
haha! I know that feeling. I have multiple judgements against non-paying tenants. The only thing they were good for is getting those tenants evicted by law enforcement. The monetary amount on the judgement... well that is money that I will never see. I would think that the experience would be better when trying to

fact* (I'm embarrassed to admit, that it took me several reads to realize what word you meant.)

haha until last year I had never had a console in my life. I bought one on black friday, but it's only used by my sister and friends for the kinect dancing.

I think you missed the point of my post. The french, the soviets, and the polish may not have been so easily 'steamrolled' if the Jewish people were citizens, had firearms, and were willing to defend their homes, lives, and other freedoms. A strong offensive line requires high morale, and a similarly strong support

There were only two other posters, and neither one of them offered a decent rebuttal.

Because of the many variables in attitude and culture, it is impossible to predict what the outcome would have been if the Jews had firearms. Individual homeowners may not have had any chance against an army descending on their home, but the cost of home raids that regularly turned into firefights would likely have

Nope. There is clearly a lot of onion slicing going on around here in the IT department. That was an incredible story.

My grandmother had this toy for me to play with as a kid. We had 3 penguins; black, red, and blue.

Haha! Laura, this rant, was hilarious... I hope you don't mind, but I had a good laugh. ...Some people just want to be mad!

...was this intended for me?

"Hey! Eyes up here!"

Mental health screening as part of a background check process for purchasing firearms... That sounds expensive...

eh... maybe that's too much information for the internets...

Most of the wal-marts in my area don't sell any rifles larger than .22 and some sell basic pump shotguns and air rifles as well. .22 rifles are pretty bad at killing things. There are a lot of rifles that are designed, engineered, and manufactured for target shooting. And that, a lot of the time, makes it less

I know it might sound silly, but if it weren't for this article I would not know that the "return or replace" button allowed you to talk to a customer service rep that could correct a problem when the tracking number says that it was delivered and you never received it. I was frustrated that there was options to deal

(x^2 + y^2 -1)^3 = x^2*y^3

Most of them do seem to revolve around making money... but this one is probably my favorite:

I imagine that if that was on a card Jezebel would write an article about it... Almost exactly like the one they wrote about this card. I don't think it would be that different.

I like that the two top replies to your post say that a chamfer is the exact opposite of what the other guy says. This really only highlights that people have latched onto words like chamfer more because of the way it sounds than what it really is.

Thank you.