This should include the newegg deals and the amazon deals that are posted or changed daily. Maybe it's hard because they are changing from day to day, but right now you can get a decent HD projector from amazon for $699.
The brides facial expression... much like kristen stewart's does not change for joyful, scared, worried, or laughing.
especially considering average inflation... that means you are losing money...
Titanium backup requires root...
They had something similar on lifehacker awhile ago. All the power companies that recommend using a fan in Arizona say what your graphic does, but Gawker media seems to insist that the fan should push warm air down during the winter despite the wind chill effect...
Am I missing something? What collection is complete without the surefire e2d or e1b?
Trolls normally don't deserve a star... You do... to bad that isn't a thing anymore.
You may be right, I've only found one reference in quite a bit of general searching that alludes to that idea, but it said government funded... Wikipedia certainly isn't much help on the subject.
No kidding I could see a head getting smashed in there too...
I easily have 15 of those Micro-USB cables between work/home/truck/backpack, but somehow went to SC without one in my carry-on and my luggage was lost.... Went to a walgreens thinking that surely they would have one... regular USB and 30-pin... WHAT!?
I wasn't sure if anyone else saw the possible side-effects of policies like this. Requiring pay for anyone who is not working makes for high costs for a lot of people(not just the corporation).
A year's maternity leave at 80% pay? I sure hope there is an equivalent option available for paternity leave. Second, I find it difficult to imagine having to include a risk of 80% higher wages for all females in my workforce in my annual budgets. This seems like it would require lower wages for everyone as insurance…
just came to this thread to make sure that someone provided
I was hoping someone else made this very comment/observation! Thank you. Living in Arizona we are told even by our power companies to utilize ceiling fans in a way that will cool your body so the air conditioner doesn't have to. They often recommend only using a fan when in a room presumably because it is forcing air…
...of course there are variables like mortgage vs rent, but for a place that was listed and rented at $1150/month the lower price was too good to be true and those who called me knew it.
When listing one of my rentals on craigslist someone listed my pictures and my description on their own ad with a lower price and no phone number. People were asked to send a money order to Africa(because the supposed owners were in Africa for some feed the poor charity) and the owner would send the keys in the mail!…
The first time I jumped was in AZ. We jumped from 13,000 feet above ground level and freefell for what seemed like 30 seconds. According to their website it was more like a minute. I imagine we were much closer to the ground when the parachute was pulled.