Finding good tenants... I have gotten some pretty bad ones. And in Arizona it's quite difficult and expensive to legally evict them if they are stubborn.
Finding good tenants... I have gotten some pretty bad ones. And in Arizona it's quite difficult and expensive to legally evict them if they are stubborn.
Most states have laws that require certain standards of living. That part of the contract(if it is actually included in the contract) would likely not hold up in court.
Yeah, be careful with this. In Arizona, for example, this can only be done after giving 10 days notice to your landlord, and the cost can only be up to $300. If the problem is something urgent like a broken air conditioner then the timeline goes down to a 24-48 hours notice.
There was a similar article that compiled links to studies on things that made you live longer on one of the gawker sites, but I haven't been able to find it. Can someone help me out?
So am I reading this wrong or does this mean that there is a 1 in 333 chance that they were not a father daughter pair? What percentage chance is there needed to confirm an identity like this? This makes it seem more like DNA analysis for courts isn't nearly as identifying as it's made out to be.
oh and of course the locked bootloader when it came out annoyed me as well. I wonder what the status will be on this device?
Ugh... I never did like when we started calling things HD or Full HD or HD+... What was so wrong with WUXGA etc
The Razr m has no bezel on the left and right. The HD and Maxx HD lose the bezel on the back, but keep some on the front. ...very misleading...
You are not the only one. I kept my original Droid until a month ago for various reasons and the biggest was that nothing came with a keyboard (and was designed for ICS). I also disliked the fact that the droid 4 came with a quad core in other countries, but not in the US. And the Droid 4 was rumored to have an…
I don't get it. So some places are reporting that it will come with 4.0. Engadget reported that it would ship with 4.1 and the hands-on pictures show 4.1...
What?! You haven't heard of digital 35mm film?
Risking mockery? Because mockery is women treating men like, y'know, human beings?
Interesting idea alright. I think there are plenty of people of all genders who would prefer standing around(looking pretty or whatever) for $12.50 to $21.25/hour to their current lower paying jobs that require actual physical or mental labor!
You do know about the xbmc skins right? You can make xbmc look just as pretty or ugly as you'd like!
Vote: Linode
Yes, his comment was lame, unoriginal, and annoying, but some of the subsequent comments were useful and informative. If it weren't for this comment I likely never would have looked at plesk or at least waited quite awhile to do it!
Oh how I miss Oles!
I'm sure the 'kid' welded the two halves by melting the bricks and then he joined them. All of this made possible by using wax rather than real legos.
All these studies are hard to keep track of and even harder to see how they reflect on the results of other studies.