Teo Macaroni

Well the title's neither a goofy pun nor an absurdist non sequiter plus it's not on one of their first four albums so so I think your judgement in this case is quite sound.

Except that the McGuire version is more punk rock than the Dickies.


"Based off"?

We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the phalluses.

Ye've a face like a pair o' tits.

Teenage girls are the worst, except for teenage boys.

Boo hoo.

Hilda Barnes is a pretty good name for an early 70's British horror movie.

Hey man, overseas is where I LIVE!

Or 'Solaris.'

Old Hollywood's Last Hurrah!!

Your parents aren't real Catholics and will burn in Hell.

I - ah - tend to - er - agree? or…give me ten minutes, I'll double check it,

Surely you can't mean the cheap looking coloured lights?

Ha ha , they're right!

Didn't they put out an album called "The Best of the Solo Albums" or something?


List appears incomplete without Randy Newman's "The Story of a Rock & Roll Band."

Guccione plays a decent enough blues harp.