
I think the fact that they made sure we knew their last intercourse had been period sex pretty much rules this out.

ITA about GLOW working really well as a tribute to the 80's. As someone born in '81, I actually have quite vivid recollections of the second half of the decade (and while we never got G.L.O.W. in Italy, I sure as hell spent a lot of time watching WWF on tv with my grandmother - shout out to Arthie!) and I feel like

the problem with this show, I think, is that it has so many tonal shifts that it's hard to read where it stands sometimes. I tend to read Tucky's story arc in the same way - she never knew what a healthy relationship looks like so she's willing to compromise since Donuts is apparently trying to treat her right. But

according to reddit, that's exactly how it went. I think Phi Phi is terrible at managing her image but apparently she also got baited here.

yeah, people seem to resent the fact that the introduction of the Ewoks was (allegedly?) mostly motivated by marketing, and I am old enough to have some recollection of stuff like the Ewoks cartoon series, but to be honest they integrate well enough with the Star Wars universe as it was established and the

yeah I don't want to throw away the baby with the bath water, my complaint is more that this recent-ish trend of coating everything with a layer of misery and desaturated cinematography strikes me as… superficial, for lack of a better word. I *love* the original Point Break - it is violent and vaguely nihilistic in a

ugh the "let's remake this, except GRIM, GRITTY and DARK so people know it's for GROWNUPS" trend cannot die soon enough. It's boring in terms of content (i.e. "realistic" retellings of fairytales) and even more so as an aesthetic.

eh, if we are talking about the rape allegations from his daughter Pola, as far as I know he actually included several instances of rape and incest both as victim and perpetrator in his autobiography, but I guess that it was all so over the top that it was easy to dismiss his most extreme claims as fabrications in

for some reason, Farrell's acting in this episode often brought to mind his character from In Bruges, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

so THAT'S where I remembered him from!

seconded! plus her backstory in general is one of those that deserve to be explored regardless, in my opinion.

because of an untagged post going around on tumblr listing the potentially triggering content in this season of OITNB, I had been semi-spoiled for rape in this episode (and really, Coates' power play with Tucky in the previous episode basically telegraphed that their relationship was going to some disturbing place),

Lois from Malcolm in the Middle is my write-in vote. At a superficial read she might seem like an overbearing dictator, at a deeper level she is… an overbearing dictator who fiercely loves her family and gives her all for them, even if it's often in the shape of tough love. Probably my favorite tv mom exactly because

yeah, I agree. What really breaks Bertie's trust is seeing Thack at his lowest. I'm willing to say that, if Thack had lived up to the image he had of him as a genius and as a man of integrity, albeit with a bad temper, Bertie could have accepted that Lucy fell for him. Because, of course!, who wouldn't fall for such a

Oh. Dear. I didn't know how much I wanted this until now.