Erik Bates

Nothing pisses me off more than the preview of next week's episode completely negating the suspense (as contrived as it is) of the cliffhanger of the current week.

Yep. I chuckled when Giancarlo Esposito mentioned meth.

I'm really confused at the timeline right now.

Adam Levine on drums is only an unexpected twist if you forget the fact that he's played the drums before.

I didn't quite understand Sam pushing Blaine for his guilty pleasure by saying, "Come on, I sang a Wham! song with you."

No, you heard it. I heard it, too. I thought that was why he was looking around — not out of paranoia, but because he thought the person he was talking to was in the library with him.

Wait, who is the pedophile that Ryder is sharing a screen with? Did I miss some reference to child porn or something?

Was I the only one hoping for this:

Never would have pictured Beth as a Tom Waits fan.

Alright, so he's in a car with Emma…

Right, but he voiced the concern that he wouldn't remember who he was, not that his magic would go away.

A couple things:

"Oh hey, evil queen. Prince Charming and I have a protection spell cast on us so you can never harm us again. Never mind the fact that everybody else in the kingdom is fair game, and you've killed countless other people, and are likely to kill more of them in your quest to try to injure us. As long as you can't

Clearly Rachel can sing 'O Holy Night' because, as she put it, it's her "favorite holiday song" thus making it not a Christmas song about Jesus, despite it being a song explicitly about Jesus… being a savior.

Clearly Rachel can sing 'O Holy Night' because, as she put it, it's her "favorite holiday song" thus making it not a Christmas song about Jesus, despite it being a song explicitly about Jesus… being a savior.

Is the audience the only ones who sees how completely ridiculous it is that there seems to be some "one black guy at a time" rule?

Is the audience the only ones who sees how completely ridiculous it is that there seems to be some "one black guy at a time" rule?

Promo for next week: "What if riding hood and the wolf were one and the same?"

Promo for next week: "What if riding hood and the wolf were one and the same?"

Likely not intended, but I'm calling it a Firefly reference anyway.