Ten Sticks

What other songs did she do? Did you like her new ones?

"Nah bish, we don't carry any vanity brand condiments here; maybe try the A & P!"

"I've been robbed and ridiculed
In daycare centers and night schools
Handle me with care"

It doesn't get any bluer than that.

The vandals took the handles

He won't find very many blacks in Twin Peaks.

TSA agents nearly busted him for olives back in 2014:

If it takes place in the '70s, then there should be a scene where one character introduces another to ZotZ candy. And anytime that ZotZ isn't in the scene, all the other characters should be asking if anyone has any ZotZ.

Ariana was right though; that doughnut was too grande.

Ch-children's feet.

My two favorite things that happened this season:

Winner: Funny Bones from Drake's .

By writing all of your term papers in a sarcastic tone.

He who is without religious bias can collect the first stone.

The corporate overlords don't want to pull out though:

You must be fun at parties.

'Aryans' sounds like someone with a speech impediment trying to say "aliens."

Me too. I really enjoyed the first part, but for some reason haven't made plans to watch part 2.

That line really stuck with me too, and works on two levels: It's a plead for tolerance while offering no compassion to intolerance. And, secondly, a person with a non-working heart would literally die.

Haven't they pestered you to buy the DVD or do they not know about stores? How long can you hide the existence of retail from children?