Ten Sticks

Chanel is the new Nike!!

X-Men give me the creeps.

New episodes return March 30th.

I haven't read an Archie comic in about 15 years, but I think I'll check that out. It'll keep me from starving for 3 weeks without a new episode.

Girls only pretend to be atheist to attract boyfriends.

I don't dig this guy.

Thank you for the thoughtful advice, but I was just trying to do an lol.

I'll never forget where I was when I learned that Barb had an afghan blanket.

How am I supposed to purchase tickets for this without saying a cuss??

Meryl Streep walks confidently through the Washington Post newsroom while Tom Jone's "She's a Lady" plays in the background.

The rapper?

Heard she was one of those Riverdale punks.


She's got some dope songs on her soundcloud:

They were retrieved in a heist that involved a lot of moonwalking and 1940's style gangster costumes.

The episode with Dustin Hoffman as the substitute teacher is my all-time favorite.

This is really gonna piss off her old Scientology friends.

Plotlines? Ninja turtles? Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Willis?

They sell a lifestyle.