Ten Sticks

It takes me back to the time when I was really depressed and watching t.v. all the time when it was a car commercial song.

I thought "I Could Have Told You" was so so, but "My One and Only Love" was incredible. I also really loved "Once Upon a Time" from the Tony Bennett tribute. I'm waiting in suspense to hear the rest. I am not at all familiar with any of the other songs except for a very few, but I'm gonna wait to listen to them on

Are you referring to the two released songs from Triplicate so far, or have you heard more?

He could transition from Furry porn to the United States of Tara and masturbate himself when T or Brie Larson is on screen. This will address his sexual deviancy, improve his pop culture IQ, and he'll become less of a strain on society.

Watch more Short Term 12 instead of furry porn. Watch more anything else actually.

What did Madonna ever see in him??

Denzel Washington though.

He can kiss that Oscar goodbye.

It's exciting to see someone do an illusion.

I would let him use my mouth as a blow dryer. That's how much I like his music.

Polly is a real person. An actress is cast in that role, and Lili Reinhart, who plays Betty Cooper, also cleared this up in an interview.

My guess so far is that it was Jughead's dad as a hit man hired by Hiram Lodge.

You can write it in your palm and use it as a cheat sheet while watching the show.

Veronica = brunette
Betty = blonde

perfect name!

please tell me where this podcast is

I'm having trouble deciding between the Nerf or the air compressor.

& Thao!

it's for cool little kids that are bored at Home Depot while their parents waddle up and down the aisles looking at sink faucets and window shutters.

What pizza places do you like?