Ten Sticks

Was that an Olsen individual as the speech coach?

Sister Act III

Dear W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ ̶P̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ Kevin Keller

Sounds like you should have married your brother.

I was making an lol.

Plastic paddies gonna plastic.

And what about Samuel L. Jackson's character? Very red-pilled for the time. He was his own man going his own way during a time when most blacks tended to make everything about race.

Any pizza is best as long as it's half pepperoni / half cheese and the pepperoni is on the left side or else you have to push the pizza box down the stairs until the pizza rotates to the correct side.

They're facebook friends or whatever it was back in the '80s.

Lady Gaga looks like she's trying to remember why she came in to the room.

I said we needed a MAN to help out on the farm, not an ANNE! Get the hell out of Green Gables!

No, Sir, I don't like it.

People get pregnant by having sex, which is a sin. So when you emerge from your mother's giant pregnant stomach, it's your original sin and you are in the service of Satan until the Doctor spanks you.

Looks like money for video production was left out of the vacation budget. But what else is new?

B-But it's only until Brendan Fraser is repaired, right?

I was looking over the casting on IMDB and Jughead's dad is some kind of gang leader so that could be the organization involved in the Jason murder.

I think that he doesn't hate Trump. Not sure if he likes him, but he's probably in the mood to like him.

I'd like Norm MacDonald to do it.

Sit down with your kids and ask if they are ready to see boobs before watching the movie.