Ten Sticks

I'm gonna watch Twin Peaks instead and feed on garmonbozia.

It happened on a camping trip in Vermont where my family stayed in a tiny pink cabin. I think I had to be about 5 because another boy on the camping grounds had a Talkboy. I'm pretty sure I had had sodas before but not like this one of course. Root beer is creamier and more fragrant than other colas. Very memorable. I

I remember the first root beer I ever had.

Why don't we ever see cartoon bears dressed as clowns? I bet kids would like that for their snack food mascots. Not just bears but alligators or cats. Any animal could potentially also be a clown.

He'd make a good Professor Flutesnoot, a cocaine-addicted physics teacher that puts Archie's life in jeopardy with cocaine-inspired physics lessons that take place on the roof.

Book cover quote:

There are a lot of mysteries in life but Snagglepuss being gay was never one of them.

Um…k. I'm going to go over there now. Bye.

Nope, I haven't.

Italians were a marketing gimmick designed to sell pasta.


Eventually you get used to them too : (

I would sleep with the lights and T.V. on to help keep them away. I also let a stray cat in at night.

You do if your mom doesn't pack your lunch with Ding Dings and Ho Hos and whatever else high school kids like to eat.

Kathleen couldn't be bothered to show up on the roof top with the rest of her band, and Instead just submitted home movies of her pets and a video of herself dancing in her backyard? This is why Trump won.

Castration and suffering a traumatic brain injury are my two biggest fears in life. Then I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and I realized they were thematically similar.

I think Trump will have a positive effect but it will come in a perhaps complicated form.

wash 'em down with some goo punch!

Why would I want to see a movie where the lead actress failed to score an Oscar nomination? Pass.

Not about R. Kelly peeing on him.