
Even if your partner is a gamer... the spectrum is so broad it can be difficult to find games to share in common.

At least Microsoft decided to make a “Kinect 2" for Xbox One rather than stick with their day-one movement sensor camera gubbins!

People are applying human ideas of cultural gender identity to fictional animals... not going to end well, they started out wrong.

At least Nintendo decided to make a “Wiimote Plus” rather than just stick with their day-one motion controls!

Is every game PS Move only? I mean, I’m thinking... things like Job Simulator need to be, but games like Battlezone would be better suited to a plain old Dualshock 4.

I know it’s all you can do, but it’s usually bad to judge a console by its launch titles - and the same goes for this hardware.

Plural of Lego is Lego.

Plural of Lego is Lego.

I accidentally stumbled upon the end of this episode on TV one time. I hadn’t watched a single episode of FMA before.

Wait. Are you saying that Alan Turing would have failed the Turing Test?

Now playing

Well, considering Rez Infinite is one of the PS VR launch titles.... and if you remember the infamous “Trance Vibrator” peripheral...

Now playing

Well, considering that the first Senran Kagura was primarily on 3DS because the devs wanted to do 3D boobs...

I think this is the first time I’ve seen American fast food where the meat was one cut of identifiable meat.

Wow, if this particular player was phoning me at 3am to tell me how great his rattata was, I totally wouldn’t mind.

Maybe I am missing the point, but... is it a decent card game, aside from having Final Fantasy characters on it? Does it have any unique features? Does it involve a lot of mental arithmetic? 

Akira and Planetes are two of the best manga I have ever read. Ever.

Wow, everyone looks so much older now than it feels they ought to in the time that has passed.

If you are blind and don’t know there is a dead body there, and you have never smelled a dead body before, how do you know this new smell is the smell of a dead body?

Ah, I never really liked Altered Beast. I used to play it back in the days when it was new, on arcade machines. If I were to set up an arcade myself, I would put an Altered Beast machine in there just because it is hugely symbolic. “WISE FROM YOUR GWAVE!” But the gameplay..... All you do is walk forward and hit