
You’re really missing out, I’m not typically a fan of MMOs either, but this is the best Final Fantasy I’ve played.

this is the only MOBA liek games I could ever get into and I loved it so much, I am so glad its coming back 

If you can’t read between the lines of this story about a shitty celebrity coming into an unethically low-paying job and complaining about the location’s low sales numbers on his trash merch, then I’d argue that you’re more likely the person who’s never done retail work. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone but the largest

Every single person he annoyed had something better to do than help him make more money.  Fuck this guy.

I’m beyond excited and emotional for this game to make a triumphant return. For anyone who has sour feelings about the way Overwatch is going, PLEASE try this game. It’s a passion project from all the people who originally made it, and it deserves to be seen.

This thread is pretty much my view, but it is interesting the way this movie comes up somewhat frequently and starts a “you don’t understand” discourse.

The weird thing about getting older is that every few years this movie bubbles back to the top of the cultural lexicon and there’s a whole new group of people who didn’t know it was satire 

It literally has no bearing whether they get retconned in a comic reimagining. The amount of rework and redoing of comic characters is something that has always been and is part of what makes it so great. We aren’t talking about a historical figure here.

So what?

It’s like right-wing Star Trek fans. Some people just have zero media literacy.

I didn’t start playing it until December after it had seen multiple patches, and while I have encountered various glitches (from relatively minor to some fairly serious ones) and still do to this day (I’m just at the end of Act 2 now), all in all I’ve been extremely pleased with the experience. Perhaps the (well

Speak for yourself.  It was certainly important to us in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

You are right that Stan Lee was not thinking about it in the 60s, but the “Mutant Metaphor” being applied to queerness has been a thing for 30 years now. Honestly if you believe Claremont, he says he was applying it when he wrote the X-Men in the 80s so you could even argue 40 years.

Will never get racist, homophobic, and/or sexist X-Men “fans.” Missing the point idiots. 

Want the best part of this? It is the same writer, the story is made by the same person that worked on Morbius. They literally rewarded mediocrity

In both of my Baldur’s Gate 3 playthroughs, I was frequently annoyed with how the game would sometimes have one of my party members handle a conversation as opposed to my custom main character. This happened at random times, and not getting to use my protagonist in those conversations felt like it decentered him and

It’s really funny that Silent Hill exists because Konami wanted to copy Resident Evil, but behind their backs Team Silent created something unique and artistic. Years later Konami wants to copy it faithfully and gets the shitty Resident Evil clone they always wanted.

I too am pretty down for paying $70 for something that is, by my own admission, not as good as something I already have.

Sure can’t wait to get back to my favorite part of iconic psychological horror game Silent Hill 2-The Guns!