
Nope. That actually just ties into other criticism of this twat, where his “reaction videos” are non-transformative garbage media where he just plays videos of other people’s content and occasionally just says “that’s crazy” or makes this face 😱. He doesn’t educate anyone, nobody learns anything from it. They just

He’s streaming his reaction to war footage which in turn, he gets paid for.

Now playing

Good job illustrating that the “Worthington’s Law” Mr. Show sketch wasn’t parody!

It’s okay, Ashley makes more than you do and xQc doesn’t know you exist, nor will they ever.

It’s not a game that tries to glorify war, so I'm cool with that. 

Every time I hear about a Twitch streamer it’s because they’re a piece of shit. Stop giving them free publicity by writing about them.

I wonder what takes longer; reading the patch notes or starting a new game and experiencing them all.

All good points. I really don’t know if there is a line. This process has repeated itself and affected numerous industries over decades, so while it sucks to me personally, it is a reality that civilized societies have had to grapple with time and time again.

I think within this context we have generally moved past the real world.

There’s an episode of The Twilight Zone titled ‘The Brain Center at Whipple’s’ in which a greedy CEO starts replacing all of his factory’s workers with machines.

As a working artist, illustrator, and designer for 10 years, I don’t see AI as anything other than a threat to my line of work, and a major cost cutting measure for those who run companies. It’s essentially negating the need to hire people who posses certain skills.

I put all the points into both outpost skills, thinking “I can’t wait to delve into that aspect of the game eventually.

And all you have to offer is a genocide.

That’s personally what I like about it. I’ve always wanted to try the Eldritch Horror board game, but never had the guts to commit to buying it if I didn’t know I was going to like such a brutal and time-consuming game. This cheap, digital, automated version is perfect for me, and it’s got an aesthetic I like to boot!

Lot to unpack here included the “butchering infants” comment which has been throughly debunked at this point. There is no doubt that infants have died on both sides since this started on the 7th but the beheading thing is our Islamicphobic propaganda.

Attacking civilians is terrorism, period.

You can go fuck yourself if you think you can convince me otherwise.

Nooooo, don’t do it! Don’t spend your precious purple coins on 1ups. Keep about 300 or so stocked for badges and wonder seeds, and spend the rest on Standees. Purple coins are *much* slower to farm late game, and you’ll need a whole heck of a bunch of them to round out your standee collection if you’re going for all 6

Any more transparent about what? Hamas is evil. The attack a few weeks ago was awful. The Israeli bombings in response have also been awful and should also be condemned as should Israel’s continued occupation of Gaza.

So a rational person would read that and think “Too many Palestinians are dying, that needs to stop for any chance of peace”.