
Interesting, I don’t think I parried Rufus at all during that fight (my thought was that you couldn’t really parry bullets)

Assess said he’d be pressured if you hit him “with a certain attack” when his guard was down, so I Braver’d his face in while he reloaded and it worked like a charm.

The boss design in this game is

You pretty much are describing my attitude with the game, sans stopping progress because of a particular villager; if I find them obnoxious, I get to have fun dunking on them with the other villagers. All are welcome.

But yeah, basically treating the island like a character rather than a direct extension of myself/my

I’d like to give an honorable mention to Wandersong, it’s a wonderful story-driven adventure game about a bard and you interact with the world through singing. One of my favorite games of all time.

Eh, sometimes you get emotionally invested in a fictional world. It happens.

For me it’s a relaxing game you plunk away at over a long period of time, just sort of enjoying the moments as they come; the writing is fun, the characters are charming, seasonal events are interesting etc. All of this loans and stocks and stuff is completely optional background content for me.

Eh, I get it. He’s practicing by doing something comfortable, it’s not like he was miming fighting monsters during the actual dance.

Well, yeah. That’s kind of what I mean though, people are going out of their way to kick out villagers and seem to REALLY hate them.

Wow. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t as “online” when I played AC last, but this villager-pruning aspect of the Animal Crossing community is really throwing me for a loop :o

Another fun thing about Jessie’s name, she was given the last name “Raspberry” in this remake.

“Jessie” is an OS distribution for the Raspberry Pi. A tech-geek reference for a tech-geek girl, pretty clever

Wow, perfect timing. I was just thinking that, despite how wonky it is, Astral Chain’s co-op controls would work way better for us if I could just shift a few buttons around.

It’s great casting, for sure

You’re not wrong.

I’ve basically been doing the same, only catching some things on the wind like “the game is relatively linear in its design” and “there’s a chapter select after you beat it.”

The most reasonable assumption given the provided context is that they fully heal your party.

Apparently there’s a chapter select after you beat the game, but in terms of being able to go back to old areas outside of that I believe you’re correct.

My fiance picked it up as a Christmas present for me, and it’s been a staple of my life ever since. It’s definitely helped me in regards to managing the quarantine blues, it’s nice to still have control over something so important to me when a lot of the other things in my life have been put on pause or otherwise

Time traveling does make sense if you are lacking time and Animal Crossing is the main game you want to play everyday, so I appreciate the article; might as well make sure people know some of the pitfalls and workarounds.

I do think, though, that if you’re just putting in some time every day and not playing it as your m

“Which...OK, but also, let these grizzled old veterans have their time in the sun.”

Not sure I get the sentiment, does the PC version not have servers or something?

Pretty much, it’s unfortunate

I kind of like how they’re doing it. Me and the other player (my fiance) basically coordinate on big projects through communication and leaving resources in front of each-other’s houses, and I make sure everything goes to the right place as the Island Representative. My fiance doesn’t see the literal dialogue of