
I’ve internalized a sort of controller profile system in my head that I switch between.

Only issue is that worked great when I was younger, now I need like 20 minutes before my fingers lock into whatever game I’m playing :\

Almost melted my Sega Genesis keeping this game on for several so I could beat it, some of my most precious childhood memories are tied to this game. It’s a trip to see anyone talking about it, it kind of feels like one of those things only me and my brother ever played.

Legit thought this said “4X Remaster” for a hot minute and was VERY curious how they would have pulled that off.

This is great! I put a lot of time into Patapon 2

The original Mystery Dungeon games hold a special place in my heart...not gonna lie, I actually was disappointed when they switched from sprites to models for the newer ones, but this looks great!

I’ve been using the one I’ve had for years to play Disco Elysim on my iPad in bed recently, it’s never been a perfect controller solution but I’ve gotten good use out of it.

Interestingly enough, starting as “The Thinker” has made me think that’d be a good way to start, since you get so much practical information and analysis which helps ground the player’s understanding of the world.

Based on the other bits of info I got from friends regarding other runs, I think there’s just a ton of

My fiance and I beat the final boss the other day; it was an amazing time and totally worth the purchase, but I was surprised that no sort of infinite dungeon or some other post-game content unlocked to give us a reason to keep diving, leveling up the characters, etc.

It also felt shorter than I would have expected,

Holy cow, Proteus brings back memories; it was one of my favorite games back in the day. Never thought I’d see it being brought up again, it makes me happy :)

I mean...Borderlands satirizes capitalism but The Outer Worlds on on a whole other level. I understand what you mean about TOW not being inherently anti-capitalist, but the Borderlands comparison doesn’t make that much sense.

I literally just got to where the first Paralogue battles are happening, and so far it seems like I can do them as they come up without missing any which is good.

That being said, my recruitment strategy is pretty much “pick a few characters I personally like and work that into my routine” rather than “I MUST SAVE ALL

The brightness one always gets me, since I do seem to be the weirdo that goes darker as a rule instead of lighter. Nothing bugs me more than a game that’s supposed to have dark corners and low lighting in some areas looking all bright and washed out.

The ultimate example is turning up the brightness of a horror game so

Okay. I still think the analogy works.

We can all agree that the title is misleading. At this point I’m more speaking to the pessimism

And LOTR was one book that Tolkien’s editor’s convinced him to split into 3 volumes that a director adapted into 3 movies all with separate theatrical releases.

Point is: it’s a single story that we know is a single story, and we managed to survive parts of the story being released over time because each part was

This isn’t a 4k remaster collection though, it’s literally remaking the game.

It’s as if they had to reshoot the LOTR movies entirely with a new script and actors. I’m also not sure how “$6o for the first game in planned series” and “having to spend collection series price for a singular movie” is analogous. For that

It’s more like if they decided to completely remake the LOTR trilogy and released the new movies as they were finished. Not many people would be hooting and hollering about only having part of the story, most would understand the context of the new material and enjoy it as it comes out.

I get where you’re coming from,

This has been my main takeaway. I mean, Gears 5 just came out, and nobody is upset they’re only now just getting the 5th part of a story. I get it though, we already know there’s more to the story and we can’t exactly un-learn that.

I also think they should at least indicate that this is the first game in a project, if

I guess my instinct was “I’m not going to give them a reason to be upset” rather than “screw ‘em then, lean into it” but yeah I get it. I suppose “Kazuma Howard” is just too much of a people-pleaser at the end of the day ^_^;

I know where you’re coming from, and I even tried to use that logic myself when I really wanted to experiment with the color combos.

From game to game, I tend to switch between “character distinct from myself” and “me but through the filter of this world/setting” in terms of roleplaying. My only issue is this leads to me going with a lot of generic/realistic characters and aesthetics since a lot of the customization ends up looking really weird in