This song has no vaporwave influence at all, what are you talking about?
This song has no vaporwave influence at all, what are you talking about?
It seems to be a mostly forgotten show, maybe for good reason, but I always remember her first from Herman’s Head. It started in ‘91, so not too long after the Simpsons got its start.
Solange was one of the two Saturdays’ headliners, along with Tame Impala, Kid Cudi, and Weezer. (Also: Billie Eilish, Maggie Rogers, Mac DeMarco.)
The Times article explains it a lot better. The scientists they interviewed were attributing it to the overuse of azole fungicides.
Poor Meghan
Haha, meanwhile:
But until then, it appears Pence has made it his mission to keep his fellow Indianan in the administration for as long as possible. What a great friend.
Dill pickle chips, dill pickle cashews, dill pickle cheese, dill pickle flavored condoms... I’m here for all of them
This reminds me of Super Deluxe videos.
Having worked with antique car sales, you’re most likely right. If they want their money back because of some undisclosed issue but won’t provide proof and quickly move to a lawsuit, it’s because they’re hoping you’ll just settle and give them their money back. Buyer’s remorse via litigation.
A few years ago I was making over a gallon of vanilla extract (miss those $75/pound prices) and once it was finished a few months later I figured I should taste the store bought penzey’s vanilla I had been using to compare. Big mistake. It tastes so nasty. At least as far as I could tell they were both equally nasty,…
I try my best not to have to deal with solid pills with my cats. if there’s no liquid alternative available and they say it’s ok, I grind the pill up and mix it with water. It’s much easier to give a cat liquid medicine. I only ever had to do it for prednisone, but it worked!
It looks like they also squeezed the sides of the video in, so everything is stretched out and looks ‘slimmer’
I agree. Also hubs, wifey, ball and chain, kiddos, mommas and mamas (only ever said by the mothers themselves, never the children)
You missed a ton of great electronic releases this year.
Box wine’s also an option. They make smaller boxes now too. Or 187ml bottles of wine (the little bottles that come in 4packs sometimes)
Not sure if this has been picked up yet, but Georgia put a spreadsheet of their absentee ballot data on their website. You can see a bunch of people’s voter information. Seems like not a good idea.
There’s a stock photo for everything!