
This is why the whole multiverse thing is a lead weight around the neck of Marvel.

Nothing matters, there are infinite versions of everyone. There’s no peril or dramatic tension, nothing has consequence.

An EV does better in the cities rather than highway due to less wind resistance and its pièce de sistance: Regenerative braking.

The old AV Club is dead. We should hold a way for it.

And he ditched the shows as soon as he could ...

I think the copy editor was also kept “away at night.”

But how many of those public chargers that AREN’T Tesla super chargers are actually working right now. That seems to be a complaint I see about non Tesla chargers 

Your loss, I guess. There’s so much stuff in the game, it’s easily worth the $70 price tag IMO. It also has a ton of replayability, so it’s not the best for a service where you might lose access to it before you’re done.

I’ve been thinking pretty seriously of buying one of these.

you can’t just run a matte car through the car wash.

Yeah, Blitz looks cool in the cinematics and everything but I’ve always found the actual minigame to be an obtuse chore. 

Don’t sleep on “Stalker: Shadow of Chornobyl” either! 

Is this ethical? Are you allowed to use this platform like this?

Not really. A “ticking clock” is not the same as making deliberate decisions about what to do with each day visual novel style. There’s no clocking ticking as you take however long you want exploring all the possible options open to you before deciding on what to do to pass the time. Spend time with someone or upgrade

Same damn problem I had, when they pulled that bullshit I quit playing.

Bungie has proven they can’t handle Destiny so many times already. It really has been a franchise that’s full of issue. From Destiny 1 being a flop and dieing super quickly, to Destiny 2 being a total mess.

Confusing expansions, excessive amount of currencies and microtransactions. One of the worst crimes of all was

Yup. I mean, partly 4k streaming is worse than regular 1080p bluray disks, due to bitrate restrictions, and 4k blurays are just legions better, but more importantly, companies are just terrible at dealing with their digital libraries. I’ve been swooping in on essentially every cheap 4k sale to make sure I’m not losing

This is one of the many reasons I’ve started collecting blu-rays and 4k discs in 2023. 

I paid more than $60 for SNES games on release, and that was in 90s money. If you take inflation into account, game prices have dropped by half over the last 30 years.

When you consider the hours consumed vs the price tag $70 is not that much money. I expect dragon’s dogma to give at least 40 hours (more than likely much more). That is still less than $2/hr. Compared to a movie ticket that is a damn steal. I feel less bothered by this, than I do all these streaming services

Okay, so I probably needn’t feel too bad that I haven’t watched The Simpsons in like twenty years? 🤔