
Eh, for me that excitement kind of died with the 24/7 internet gaming news cycle. Seeing the post E3 copy of EGM in the mailbox was like Christmas in July.

Always fun to use this twice in a day:

It’s the reason I told the dealership to take off their branding from my car as I was driving it off the lot. Unless we’re in some sort of media partnership where you pay me to advertise, no thanks.

Afeela bad for that terrible car name.

They come straight out of our paychecks too...and then we still have to do paperwork.

I thought this Dune was far better.  I know the original was limited by FX but everything looked like Dune meets Flash Gordon.  I really liked the overall aesthetic of this version and lord knows the acting was better.

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

At this point, if the movie in question is this hard to find, I want it in 8k just to be safe. Who knows how available it’ll be in 10-20 years. Especially if it’s a visually interesting film like this or The Fall. 

Funny you should say that - I sort of had the same reaction regarding Western Washington. I hadn’t seen one in real life until last summer, and now they’re getting to be not uncommon. I guess those two markets are pretty much right in their wheelhouse.

I had issues finding The Others back around Halloween 2021. It wasn’t available digitally anywhere. I bought a copy of it on Blu-Ray and tried to cash in the digital code, which wasn’t supposed to expire for a year according to the insert, and I was told it was invalid. I reached out to Paramount’s customer support

With sound effects from Atari games. 

There’s the obvious ones like carts left in parking spaces or cars that take up more than one spot,

I bought myself a Super Famicom for Christmas this year...

I was in middle school when the PS2 first released, and having been a regular EGM subscriber for a while was well tuned in to how damn cool it was going to be. Everybody wanted one, and for the most part, everyone got one that Christmas it seemed...except for us. Instead, my parents, clever and cruel in their frugal

Luke, every year you make the same claim and every year I want to scream at you: TIE Fighter is superior to Dark Forces in every way. I will argue this until the day I die.

Not every s needs an apostrophe. That was painful to read.

That’s more than I make in a month working 40+ hours a week doing a “real” job.”

Spider-Man’s & Miles Spider-Man did the solid thing and dropped Res to have Performance RT modes. I believe they ran at 1440/60 fps with RT and they are both GORGEOUS on PS5.

I will never give a shit about ray tracing when it’s locked to 30fps. I wish more games would go for the middle ground like RE8. 40fps with ray tracing was a solid compromise. Trying to play TW3 at launch on a PS4Pro locked at 30fps was unbearable. I couldn't parry worth shit. 

It was in the game when it first came out