
Maybe his post has been on hold all this time.

Luckily, the A’s are used to other teams completely erasing their leads.

Every ump who ejects someone for arguing balls and strikes deserves a fuck you.

However, unfortunately that chip is a bone spur and it will take 3 months to heal.

‘O Canada’, Guard Won’t Stand On Thee

“Somebody’s lighting up and didnt invite me?”

And people think I’m weird because I hit every chest I see at furniture stores. Pffft, they just don’t know.

Sims gets lifetime immunity for making the best homerun call ever.

Dave Sims is THE WORST.

When he’s not “nyuck, nyuck, nyucking” to his own bad jokes, he’s just plain annoying. I don’t wish him permanent harm. I only wish he’d lose his voice every spring.

That the great Dave Neihaus was replaced with Sims has only added to the 13 long years of mediocrity this city has suffered through.

As a M’s fan I remain cautiously, skeptically, nervously, and tentatively optimistic.

And that voice change. He went from play-by-play guy to wacky muppet and back again, for no good reason.

Yeaaaah...we’re all waiting on Aaron Goldsmith to take over play by play from Sims.

Let’s file “Boom! Stick! Baby!” as one of the worst home run calls ever.

Well he certainly didn’t turn himself into a NFL QB.

Now playing

That’s some Richie Tenenbaum type of stuff there:

Once again, a black man discovers the Blues, but it’s white guys who make money off them.

I didn’t know Jamie Moyer’s little sister lived in Milwaukee.

It’s not even remotely a “neighborhood” it’s a district of warehouses and shitty businesses, no one lives there.

Uh, don’t longshoremen make like 100K a year? Just how gentrified is this neighborhood going to become?

Never forget*