But does it say September 30 of what year? That is the real question. I still think I’ll believe it when I see it.
But does it say September 30 of what year? That is the real question. I still think I’ll believe it when I see it.
Never a swarm of bees around when you need one.
This is my favorite thing to do in Dark Souls games: approve bad messages and hope people follow them.
“Take a Step Forward”
Wanting the world to bend over for your personal preferences isn’t a least bit narcissistic in your mind?
I couldn’t agree to this reply more, “ToD”. Just because a game doesn’t include skill-based moments and is primarily an interactive story doesn’t in any way speak of its value. Its value is in the narrative its telling and if the creator had the vision to allow his audience some agency in how this narrative is viewed…
Well, when I see a guy leaning over, bashing another person’s head into the ground with a baseball bat or the butt of his rifle, that’s a pretty good visual indicator.
The Cleaners and LMB are immediately visually identifiable, meanwhile the Rikers generally wear a mixture of prison uniform and prison guard gear.
“Compulsory redundancies”...
Class of ‘11, MTSU Raiders Ride!
I used to work in Murfreesboro... North Carolina. Something tells me you got the better end of the deal.
Congrats on the victory! It ruined the office pool for just about everyone but me, somehow I had picked the upset (probably because I know nothing about Bball), so I’m happy!
Most succinct paragraph about Murfreesboro I’ve ever read.
Way to work Blue Raider. You gotta lotta fans in Knoxville now.
It’s only on PS4 right now. Vita version will be released later. Great game so far though!
This is such bullshit.
If this is any consolation, taxi drives also take out criminals. The Rapist / Murderer, in my home town was recognized by a taxi driver. She handled it real cool, and gave dispatch a coded message, so they Police would pull her over for a “ticket”. That “ticket” was sending Mr. Rapist to Jackson Maximum Security for…
I wish I owned a Vita solely for that purpose, as strange as that might sound. Rondo of Blood is terrific, and having both together would be great! Great purchase, for sure!