
We just bought a 2022 Ioniq 5 and didn’t fall in love with it until we figured out how to turn all of the nanny features off. I like blindspot monitoring. I like proximity warnings when I’m backing up. However, I DO NOT need the car to steer me to safety when changing lanes or dead ass stop us short in the middle of

Agreed.  I’m so used to the look and functionality of Google Maps after using it for years over Apple Car Play that when I drive my wife’s Ioniq 5 (which has its own proprietary nav system), I just plug my phone in and use Google Maps. I mean... it’s cool to have, I guess.  And I haven’t tested to see if it’s any

Do people not just normally use their parking brake?  I’ve used it every time I park since I’ve been driving in manual and automatic cars.  It’s just something I was always taught to do regardless.

Thank god.  I never cared for those segments.  I always felt those should have been optional.

Before the tax credit and before the inevitable $10K dealer markup.

I’m talking to the people that can’t handle a voice actor change and feel the need to send death threats over it, not anybody in this comment section. Surely if you’d bothered to read through a comment thread from February 2021 and felt the need to add to it a year and a half later, you’d have figured that out right?

Our Sinclair station let a reporter go out every day and shove a camera in homeless peoples’ faces and yell at them and then record it when they would yell back or be like “Dude fuck off. Go away.”  They didn’t fire him until he made a “They’re not so bad.  They’re just like us!” love letter video to the Proud Boys

Greetings, fellow news organism!  So you haven’t gotten your hush money checks either?  That’s a bummer.  

LOL!  Perhaps.  

My dad, a cop, always said “Never, ever buy a used cop car. You guys have no idea what we do to these things.”  So I’m gonna go with “No dice”.  

It’s true!  My boy, Reno, was absolutely mesmerized by the IGN review of Stray I watched yesterday.  Can they recognize that’s a cat?  It’s so weird. To this point, the reviewer hadn’t mentioned or pushed the “meow” button. So it wasn’t like that’s what grabbed him. But he was all into it.  

I’m currenly being loaned a 2022 Outback while the dealer does some warranty work on my Forester and under the giant info screen is this strip of faux-aluminum looking plastic that I swear to god reflects sunlight right back in your eyes no matter if you have the moonroof shade open or not. It’s like Apollo’s arrow

I haven’t noticed much of a fuel savings on my Forester.  It tallies how long I’ve been shut off and how much fuel it’s saved me and it really isn’t much. I think the larger benefit is it cuts down on emissions while you’re idling.  I like that aspect of it.  But I don’t like the feature overall. 

This was going to be my response.  I have a 2019 Forester Sport and I HATE this feature. It’s also dangerous if you have to suddenly take off to avoid an accident or something and it takes a second for the car to start up and get moving.

I really like everything Hyundai and Kia are doing right now. My one compliant is Hyundai desperately needs a new logo.  It just reminds me of all those years when they made cheap cars that nobody wanted. They make a good product now!  Time for a fresher look.  I know that’s like a stupid thing to get hung up on. But

I hope you get a hold of it, man.  It’s an excellent game.  I’ve been gaming for probably 40 years at this point and I’d say it’s in my top ten all time easily.  

I start work at 4 AM, so no mass transit runs at that time. Also, I work across the street from T-Mobile Park, which means getting off at the King Street Station and walking several blocks through Pioneer Square at like 3:30 AM. No thanks! It works for a lot of people, but in my particular situation it doesn’t. I have

Yeah, that makes a lot of damn sense.

Between those and the bus lanes, it’s getting ridiculous. Gee, I wish I didn’t have to drive from Tacoma to Seattle at 3 AM and I could just take the magic train that I’m funding with my bloated car tab fees every year. But some of us do have to drive a car!

Well then you’ve never been to Seattle.  They’ve actually TAKEN AWAY some of our driving lanes to turn them into bike lanes... and then the cyclists just ride in the middle of the street anyway “because they can”.