Well that’s good to know! I just figured if I was online, eventually some jerkoff would come around and bother me.
Well that’s good to know! I just figured if I was online, eventually some jerkoff would come around and bother me.
Is that thing re-usable? I’ve never tried it because I was afraid it might be a one-time use item.
Interesting. Has that always been true for Souls games? I want to say I’ve been invaded in the past on other games despite never playing co-op but maybe two or three times.
I’ve never been invaded. But I don’t play online very much. However, my wife gets invaded like every game. I join her for co-op with her hosting, so I’m pretty sure that has something to do with it. But we certainly have never invited an invasion. I hate them. I wish you could just turn them off but that’s never…
Exactly. Anything below halfway to a new level or close to an item or spell I want and fuck it, let’s do this.
Yeah. No wonder.
My wife and I are From veterans. We’ve played all of the games up until this point. And it still took us about a half an hour of repeated attempts to get co-op to work the other day. We followed the myriad weird steps of having stupid items in our inventory, using them in the proper order, etc etc. It works…
My wife ran right past it. I was like “But there’s a thing and.. OK. Just gonna head outside I guess.” She also skips through all of the talking. I’m like “You know sometimes they tell you where stuff is and there are no map markers on this game.” She’s just like “Eh! I’ll find it eventually.” I respect that…
Oh if I have no or few runes, you bet your ass I’m just running headfirst into whatever. That’s how you learn! And it’s fun to just get in over your head once in a while and just be like “Wow. OK. Well we’ll have to maybe approach that a different way.”
LOL! “Hmm... maybe I should investigate that cave.” But there’s a valley of difference this ridiculousness and legit complaints like... hey maybe the multiplayer could be less annoying to figure out and just, ya know, work every time. From’s games have barely changed at all since Demon’s Souls and that’s fine from…
I jumped down there because my curiosity got the best of me. But why didn’t they just make that door not open until you go down there and pull a lever?
Ha! I never noticed. Probably because this is the first of those games I’ve played online for longer than the first day.
Yeah, I always go hide in some bushes when I have to get up and pee or something. It’s very meta.
Do you get healed when people approve your messages?? I never noticed. I kept getting approval messages but I didn’t think it was anything beyond “Oh that’s nice. People liked me pointing out that pile of dung.”
Oh my goodness, I cannot parry to save my life. To me, the risk of not getting the timing right isn’t worth the health loss or potential combo I’m opening myself up to. So I’ve just adapted my play style over the years.
You do what you gotta do to win! If the tables were turned, those creatures would absolutely cheese you too!
So many good people lost to empty calories
Lol! I was like “Nintendo Generation? You mean Gen Xers? That’s me. I’m 43. I’m not enlisting anytime soon.” What is he even talking about?
Seriously... what was the big deal here? XBox clicks the button for you. Fantastic. It really didn’t ruin my day having to *gasp* install a thing. The worst part was waiting for it to download. But I wouldn’t write an article complaining about it.