
Ok, we’ve got a 3.2 meter gap. I’ve calculated our probability of a successful jump at 33.33 percent, repeating of course.

Metal Gear Survive

Leave it to the media FLACs to get it wrong.

and hear i thought they were touting their service and quality as lossless.

Jesus fuck. This is the longest SNL cold open ever.


There are certain...genres of video that aren’t on Youtube.

Usually the boos is only a problem at her family parties.

Sending out dick-picks via Snapchat is a risky move. All it takes is a little slip of the finger and you’ve accidentally sent it to an unintended target, and then that’s it, brother. I was with a group of friends last year when one of the girls got a snapchat from her brother and it was his dick. She started screaming

Well; call me; crazy; but, I, internet commenter, and, man, did not; know that; legal documents; required such; copious; punctuation

Totally get that. It’s a fresh photoshoot. But even something as little as the costuming. The clasps on Roland’s vest look like he just bought it off the rack. I dunno, we’ll see. I really hope they make it great. I sounds like they’re putting together a fresh story for the film, and it’s not following the books, so I

White privilege

non-phone movie disruption story: went to see The Return of the King all those years ago and sat next to an older midwestern auntie-type who loudly sighed “Oh geez.” after every. damn. thing.

True story: I’ve always wanted to play a scifi-noir game as Garrus.

The “news” section was one of the most hilarious parts of the show, and it was a damn shame that BBC America[*] generally cut it to get the show short enough for US commercials. Which is why I was happy when it appeared uncut on Hulu (and, to be honest, the reason why I started subscribing to Hulu).

for $20k you could probably get a few dozen people to recreate tubgirl with the shake.

“But apart from that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”
