I have a fairly damn nice suit from Mens Wearhouse, tailored to fit and I look good— no excuses for the POTUS
I have a fairly damn nice suit from Mens Wearhouse, tailored to fit and I look good— no excuses for the POTUS
Plus he can see in the dark.
38 here, I still get carded (hence der beard) and I look younger than this Miller cat. Dude sold his soul at the crossroads for power and hedge magik.
Police still haven’t found his wand, which is ash, 8 inches, with a snake skin core.
That picture is just so ... sad. WH photog must really hate the dude.
I have noticed a certain lack of vehement Trump posts lately on social media.
I’m looking forward to Cell 2, directed by Grimes.
Best Buy. Guaranteed 10 hits every time I went.
He is streets ahead!
It’s like even Trumph isn’t certain which ones are.
I’m guessing they’re “evil” because they look the part and don’t reside in a country he does biz in.
Well I’m pretty sure he isn’t the antichrist then, as this is no way to get a world religion started.
I just realized the first casualty under this administration is articulated speech.
I lost my old game but my nemesis was this prick who had the one shot crossbow kill, ambush and a nasty habit of being miles away when he started in on me, much like yours he won so many battles he mocked me daily about it and would show up anytime I so much as left the towers.
Man that dude was a dick.
Said the passing internet man in a loud voice.
... ahem. ‘bigly’
I think he added it was around 30 towards the end.
I love this show. It’s the perfect bookend to Top Gear classics and Grand Tour new ‘uns.
Canadian Apparel!
Somewhat ironic that Gildan, whose shirts are synonymous with cheap throwaway shirts bought AA, known for quality. Fiat buys Lamborghini all over.
Nickleback and Creed are date rape music — the other two are AOK.