I did see every episode and I enjoyed it. My question was meant to be humorous.
I did see every episode and I enjoyed it. My question was meant to be humorous.
Then why did Jack Ruby kill Oswald? He sacrificed himself for somebody.
I suppose you also think that the Feds killed Malcolm X?
LBJ beat Coke Stevenson in the 1948 Democratic Primary by 87 votes. They were found when "Ballot Box 13" was "mysteriously" discovered. In 1964, Senator Goldwater's supporters carried signs that read "Ballot Box 13 launched the Johnson Machine"!
Ike had good reason to fear that if the Chinese troops which had entered the war in North Korea had been driven back across the Yalu River, China and the USSR might have declared war. The solution was the compromise which we still have to live with, but it was and is better than a nuclear war!
If it is on the internet, it must be true!
Good analogy!
Nixon was a great President, but he was traumatized by the fact that the 1960 election was stolen from him and he vowed to never let it happen again. Unfortunately, his trauma caused him to commit the series of unfortunate events which we collectively call "Watergate".
Did Marcia "do the deed" with Chris Darden?
Maybe LBJ borrowed the money form Fred Trump, Sr., the father of "The Donald"! :-)
! am sure LBJ feared being dropped from the ticket in 1964, but he also feared that he would be defeated by Senator Barry Goldwater in the fall of 1964 when the polls showed him 30 points in the lead. On certain issues, the man was paranoid! President Kennedy was not sure who his opponent would be in 1964 before his…
That would be an interesting twist!
All 4 volumes? That is an enormous achievement and you know more about LBJ than most people commenting here today.
Just review the newsreels of the 1960 Democratic Convention if you have any doubt that LBJ wanted the job, He even debated JFK before some of the delegates.
He wanted the office and tried hard to get it in 1960. However, he did not kill JFK. JFK was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald acing on behalf of the mob and/or Castro.
LBJ got the job done. He knew how to do it. Just as we needed "anti-communist" Nixon to open the doors to Communist China, we needed a southerner like LBJ to convince many of those those resisting the passing of the Civil Rights Legislation and Voting Rights legislation that it was time to pass them. Give the man…
SCOTUS weakened a certain provision of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, but it did not overturn it.
Arthur Schlesinger confirmed in a book written in the 1960's that JFK was "considering" dropping LBJ as VP in 1964. Bobby Kennedy wanted to drop him, but practical politics made it impossible. JFK knew Texas was crucial to his re-election which is why he was visiting there praising LBJ, Governor John Connelly and…
Who was Lady Bird in the Broadway production?
A few pillows appropriately placed would have done the job! They work for Santa Claus.