
Love is a two way street and Alicia never gave Will the proper encouragement. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion, but take it from somebody who as seen the reruns at least 3 times. Alicia knew that Will was in love with her and that they could have been together forever. Her two children and her husband

You are right on the money! In real life, law firms all over Illinois would be bidding to obtain Alicia's services since it would be a feather in their caps to have the name of the wife of the Governor on their letterheads! She should also occasionally be hosting tea parties at the Governor's Mansion for big donors!

You are misremembering! When Will first spoke to her that night, Alicia told him: "I get the romance, but I have two children and I need a plan!" Months later they began a passionate affair. Alicia knew she could have had Will, but chose her children instead. At the end of Season 4, Will kissed Alicia on the

She has every right to be furious with Eli, but not because the voicemail would have changed her life! Eli did a stupid thing and he should pay the consequences.

NO! Like good wine, Julianna has ripened with age!

Bill and Hillary just celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. Alicia will leave Peter the day Hillary leaves Bill. It will never happen!

No. I disagree. The writers are preparing us for the merger!

Either the writer want us to believe that Eli has gone senile or that millions of viewers have gone senile!

Alicia is being evicted from her apartment for using it as an office and she fired Grace. Lucca wants to get in the sack with a large firm as quickly as she gets into the sack with "artists"! The merger is coming. This episode was the prelude!
P.S. In the real world Diane, Cary and David would savor having the

Now that is mean! :-) Just an entire hour watching Julianna Margulies would satisfy me!

They talked on the bus! At the end of the last episode she did appear to feel sorry for him.

Peter's campaign was over before it began. He was hoping to do so well that Hillary would choose him as her running mate. Can you just hear Hillary? "Ladies and gentleman, I have chosen Peter Florrick as my running mate! Why? He is the only man alive who makes my husband look like a saint"!

He is the Rodney Dangerfield of 2016! He gets "no respect"!

We can call it "The Good Virgins"!

She sure was easy in this episode. Lucca could do a spinoff called "The Good Nymphomaniac"!

We learned that Lucca wants to get paid and get laid! If only all women were as easy to get into the sack as Lucca, there would be no male virgins over the age of 18!

The writers of the show must think that we all have amnesia. In Season 6, on the eve of the S/A election, the Lockhart, Agos & Lee email dump caused all of Chicago to learn about Alicia's fling with Will since they had both memorialized their affair in several emails which Marissa was asked to review since she was

If Peter can hope that Hillary will ask him to be his running mate on "The Good Wife", then clearly self-loathing Caucasians are not too hard to imagine!

I think he knows that Hillary will never pick Peter for VP, but Eli will be brought back on board to handle Peter's campaign for reelection as Governor of Illinois at which time he will lose all interest in Alicia other than what she can do for Peter's reelection campaign..

You cannot run a husband and a wife for two of the highest offices in the land at the same time. The show should deal with reality. The reality should have started last year when Alicia "withdrew" from an election where the votes had already been counted which had never been accomplished before in American history.