Amelia Earhart and Robyn just disappeared! No explanations have ever been provided.
Amelia Earhart and Robyn just disappeared! No explanations have ever been provided.
Jason was not referred to Alicia by Eli ! Eli has no way of knowing who he is!
Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Jason) serviced Halle Berry all summer on "Extant"! He is hoping to continue his success by servicing Alicia all winter on "The Good Wife"!
I have always thought that when the Soviet Union collapses in 1991, Philip and Elizabeth will sell their wigs to Julianna Margulies in order to help her seduce George Clooney on ER!
She has won a few! I know she did last year in 2014!
I would like the job of massaging her scalp in preparation for the placement of the wig!
There can be no questioning the fact that Jason (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) accepted the lower paying job with Alicia, because he is expecting that Alicia will deliver some real "fringe benefits" with the job!
Amber or Ashley?
Yes, but, in actual real life, a candidate can never withdraw her candidacy after the votes have been counted. This is especially true when the purpose is to avoid recounting votes. In all jurisdictions, both state and federal, the votes must be recounted, as a matter of law! In 1972, Joe Biden was elected to the…
Yes, and can you just imagine Hillary, after 40 years of marriage to Bill, choosing "loyal husband" Peter as her running mate? The late night comedians would have a field day!
Nonsense! The writers for the show realized that the plot of future shows would be weakened if Alicia won and became the State's Attorney! They concocted a plot twist to deny her a victory that bares no relation to reality! They could have had a nice Jesuit like Frank Prady defeat her, but no! They had to get…
The "dive" is pure fantasy! A person cannot legally withdraw from an election after the votes have been counted. In the real world Peter would be much stronger politically if Alicia had won or lost the recount. If the Illinois Dems "owe" Alicia, as you argue, why have they not called President Obama to get her a…
Hey, give Peter credit! He did not close down the bridges leading in and out of Illinois! Also give Chris Christie credit! His wife did not win a local election and then withdraw because of voter fraud! Do not compare apples to oranges!
If I were President Obama, I would raise hell with the Illinois Democratic Party and save Alicia! Then, when Michelle and Valerie were out of town, I would invite Alicia to spend the weekend with me in Washington, D.C.!
In reality, there would be hundreds of law firms that would gladly hire the wife of the Governor of Illinois!
I remember some Kalinda seductions that were not on beds!
Wait until Jeffrey Dean Morgan shows up as the new investigator! Kalinda will become a happy memory!
May I add another point to the excellent ones you have made thus far? How can Peter have the gall to run for POTUS when his wife had to resign from a public office to which she had been elected because of voter fraud? In real life it would probably cause the Democratic Party to start searching for a new candidate…
Valerie Jarrett's cameo was the weirdest to me! She encouraged Alicia to run for State's Attorney, but then went back to Washington and never helped her. She also did not come to Alicia's aid during the voting scandal when she could have had President Obama call the Democratic Party bosses in Illinois and tell them…