Yes I do. It is a cream filled cake that used to be made by Hostess!
Yes I do. It is a cream filled cake that used to be made by Hostess!
Thank you. I am surprised that nobody seems to know for sure!
If Bill Cosby's victims had asked him for the "date rape" drug before they had consensual sex for which Mr. Cosby paid, Mr. Cosby would not have become the pariah that he is!
I do not remember Ani ever meeting him in a prior episode. How would he recognize her?
I think you are messing with me! :-) Stan is dead!
If so, he was in "whiteface" as a tribute to Michael Jackson!
Ani did not know! The rest presumably did!
The scene was confusing, but the reviewers on other websites claim that the first guy (the Texas oilman) received a knee in his crotch and the second one( the bodyguard) got the knife for trying to discipline a woman he presumed to be a prostitute who was being well paid to be there. They both got what they deserved!
Rape her? The poor guy thought she was his for the asking. He was at an orgy where the women were paid to be there. Unlike Bill Cosby's victims, they actually consented to the drugs and the sex!
What happened to her shoes? It looked like Ani was escaping from the party in bare feet !
Stan was one of Frank's employees who had been found murdered in one of the prior episodes!
Why does the AV Club attract so many commenters who are experts on recreational drugs? :-)
Maybe it was your body and not the "Molly" that turned her on! :-)
The other girls were there for the money. Some may have been enjoying it. Other could have been playing their parts!
Is that you Bill Cosby?
I also wonder if they hired Bill Cosby as a consultant on the effects of drugs on women ?
I wonder if they hired Hugh Hefner as a consultant on the orgy scenes?
Do we all have to be experts on drugs to enjoy the show? The only "Molly" in my life was a maltese dog!
The episode was excellent and I really thought that I had understood everything without the need of help from AV Club commenters. Alas! My problem is that while Ani was walking around the various rooms at the orgy, she observed a male that she thought might recognize her, thereby uttering a curse, and changing the…
Although they have not as yet been proven to be "Mexican rapists", the Mexicans in this episode are so bad that they might cause Donald Trump to pick up some votes!