
We saw various volunteer telephone operators! Not sure if Carol was one of them!

Investigative work!

They also patronize Colombian prostitutes!

Ellie Opulent, we all have to suspend our disbelief a little bit or we cannot enjoy the show! Your questions are excellent!

And it better not end like "The Sopranos" with Ethan and Theresa munching on onion rings at the local restaurant. As Ben walks in the door, the bell chimes and the screen fades to black!


That scene was the very first time Sally appeared on screen in "Mad Men"!

That is how the writers build tension!

Probably Pilcher and Pam used many different methods to "recruit"! Also, remember that Paul wound up in Wayward Pines after sleeping with Pam at a hotel in LA!

I think they would need many more. Ben is student number 111 of Group B!

It does seem unlikely, but that is the only way to interpret what Pilcher told Ethan!

Good questions! I hope they will all be answered by the end of Episode 10!

I think it must be a shock to Ethan that both his wife and his mistress were frozen and preserved and that now he will now have to see them both every day!

Theresa was told that Paul was killed for snooping around to find information on Lot 33. I wonder if that's where they buried the bodies from Group A? The graves would have to be in huge tunnels, so that would make us both right!

Pilcher's private residence is the perfect spot for you to put on some classical music and light up some weed!

Did Pilcher freeze Jack Nicholson and preserve him to deliver that line?

My question is why didn't he freeze Tom Brady and the rest of the New England Patriots? Wayward Pines needs a football team!

Pizza Hut?

I missed that! I will have to see it again!

Hi "raging fluff"! We were promised 10 episodes. I loved the episode, but where did you see it before tonight?