
I thought there was a guest room where Peter slept when he first came home from prison in Season 1?

Red wine prevents heart attacks! Alicia is promoting healthy hearts!

Right now the loss of Kalinda is weighing heavily on his heart at the end of a season where he barely avoided going to prison! Give him a break!

If only Lt. Columbo were real, he would have a full confession from both of them within 24 hours!

The great gossip columnist Liz Smith is 92 and still healthy enough to get the subway from Manhattan to Brooklyn to get us all of then information from the set about Julianna and Archie! Liz, if we ever needed you, we need you now!

I did not see any indication on any episode that Alicia and Zach are estranged. I just think that while Zach attends college at Georgetown in Washington D.C., he has little to add to the storyline in Chicago. I did think it strange, however, that he was not there for election night!

Ellsbeth Tascioni is the only lawyer who knows for sure!

Or maybe life imitated art and Archie hit on Julianna's husband? :-)

They have concluded the filming of Season 6 of Downton Abbey! The problem for Matthew Goode is that he has to sexually satisfy both Alicia and Lady Mary next year, both at the same time! Stock tip - Buy stock in both Viagra and Vitamin E!

"Where's the beef?" :-)

You might get a better response if you promised that you have already deposited the million dollars in a Nigerian Bank!

Very rarely does the District Attorney (In Chicago, the State's Attorney) ever try a case or appear in court. It is an administrative position.

Breia Brissey who does the recaps for "Entertainment Weekly" claims that there were no "flashback" scenes from any prior episodes. All of the alleged "flashback" scenes were just filmed for this episode. I then checked all of the episodes from Season 1 and could not find any which involved a client named Brett

That was toward the end of Season 3. Cary had invited Kalinda to the bar to join several members of the firm, including Alicia, to celebrate Cary's return to the firm after a two year absence while he worked in the State's Attorney's office. The relationship in the office between Alicia and Kalinda had warmed when

Kalinda had a one night stand with Peter. That would hardly qualify her as his "mistress"!

I think it will be a cameo from Vice President Biden saying: "Alicia, President Obama and Valerie Jarrett think you are looking a little tense, so they sent me over to give you a shoulder massage!" :-)

Why would the writers want to separate them? I do not see how it could possibly have anything to do with the story!

"Seriously, what went on between Julianna and Archie to make them hate each other so much that they cant shoot a 2 minute scene together?"

The information you received from the interview only deepens the mystery! Thank you for the information ! Why would Matthew Weiner want to keep her appearance on the show such a secret?

Are you incapable of engaging in a discussion without resorting to name calling and using four letter words? You should hang your head in shame.