
I don't know how no one is seeing how shitty that was. The only thing missing was a negro spiritual hymn playing in the background. Even in death, they're still at it, protecting their murderers. Like, did Grams forget the circumstances leading to her death? Did they all?

The Elena-less seasons were bad because the writers never considered that maybe the best thing to do with a killed off character is to kill them off completely. They mentioned her every five minutes. When she was alive it was bad enough but afterwards it just became grating and frustrating

Had to pause when Charlie volunteered to help get Jerry out. Dennis'face! I was laughing so hard I cried real tears.

Is Scott Foley pregnant?

Perfect episode. Everyone has to fail hard so that Dee's diabolical scheme seems even more outrageously planned. While the rest goof off, she went HAM in the most subtle way. That's why a lot of poorly planned stuff had to be going on.

I'm watching this and thinking, "Bitch, you might as well just watch Empire. It was shit, but this is worse. Check yourself."

So the thing now is that we like social justice warriors? Or are we going with they're normal rationale people? Or is it bad now to not be a social justice warrior, it's the new cool?