
This is an unfortunate, but not unsurprising, outcome of over consolidation in the airlines industry.

“Oh if only there were something we could do...”

That’s about the same size as the world’s longest slip-n-slide, or like, a billion Chipotle burritos—the latter is an estimate.

Oh wow, thank you for the incredibly kind comment! It made my day!

Wow, that is fucked up. I’m sorry you had to experience that.

I haven’t heard a fucking peep out of any of them since about a week after the election... which is about the only good thing that has happened since the election.

I don’t even speak to my republican coworkers after one fucker told me “I guess you’ll be moving back to somalia now” on November 9th. I work at a nonprofit in Silicon Valley and have never lived in HOA.

Thanks Space Writer Rae, I always look forward to your articles in the afternoons. And I love your appropriate title.

I have to say, Trump is making my arguments with my Republican co-workers so fucking easy these days. They can’t respond to half the stuff I point out.

He’s a freakin’ dipshit.

Don’t mean to be that guy, but here we are. The reality about Lemmings committing suicide is complete bullshit. Gizmodo posted an article about Disney’s manipulation of the filming. It may has well have been a Disney snuff film.

Identity theft. Just part of the circle of life.

Lack of engine noise has been an issue since headphones (portable) became a thing. So at this point, it just feels like a culling of the herd if you’re not paying attention.

Electric and hybrid cars in the US will soon be mandated by the US Department of Transportation to make artificial engine noises by the end of 2019

Observe the large set of flashing lights.

I am so relieved that they won’t be digitally editing her in. It worked for Tarkin because he was so austere and his facial expressions were so rigid, but it wouldn’t have worked for Leia.

I would love some conformation that she did have force powers. I could see her dying in one of the movies and appearing as a force ghost. Of course I would rather her live as a full on Jedi but I don’t think they have a good way to do that at this point.

I suppose looking for the orange blobs is becoming second nature to our nations camera people.

Those aren’t cheeseballs, that’s his boss!

Night Shift is enough for me, but F.lux is a way better solution.