
That seems REALLY fugging unsafe

This continues my theory that capes = good, but cloaks = evil.

I miss hand drawn animation in movies.

Or: Why do broke people sign up for stuff that gives them money? /s

Dude (somewhat ironically) fueling his Prius was like NOPE NOPE NOPE

I always knew that bay leaves added something to my family’s beef stew recipe, but it wasn’t until I made that same stew with a dried bay leaf from a friend’s tree that I realized there are two different trees from which they come. Apparently the store-bought bay leaves are generally imported from Turkey and are quite

Voted against pi day, or truly honored it by being irrational?

Wait, Indiana Jones, Lara Croft, and Nathan Drake all taught me it’s okay to loot tombs as long as you’re the hot lead (or love interest) and can avoid the supernatural nastiness.

I have absolutely no idea how they do it, but I was getting emotional just from the trailer. I’m going to cry buckets at this, aren’t I? I just bloody know it.

Mr. Mario... we a meet again....

Please do NOT give us Young Morpheus

For a bit of context for non-lawyers, these are a discovery device known as Requests for Admission. They’re used to narrow down the issues before you get to settlement negotiations and/or trial so that the parties are focusing on the areas where they disagree. To get admissions like this so early in the process is

Fair. Thanks for the lengthy and clearly stated response :) Read on.

I’ve read Murakami, and enjoyed him. And I agree with your take on Sandman (good) and Neverwhere (which I just reread and did not enjoy as much as I remembered) and Stardust (meh). I hate the Dragonriders of Pern, I’ve matured out of the Shannara Chronicles (I’d lump Dragonlance in here, too, which I still hold a

So basically they shot a bunch of stuff and weren’t sure what the movie was going to be until editing. And they don’t want you to see or know that.

God help you if you have something like a stroke or some kind of facial disfigurement/paralysis

Cool, so everything you buy has the source code available to you, and you’re capable of analyzing them for security vulnerabilities? I’m not in that situation, so if you could do that for every product on the market and every product that comes onto the market, and let us know, that would just be super.

I read this book once a year. I absolutely love it. I’m so pumped to see these characters come to life, especially with actors like McShane and Jones involved.