
Ponder sighed and said, “Quantum,” to which the Librarian nodded and replied, “Ook.”

while I understand the significance of Disney...WHY DOES THE MIDDLE HAVE TO BE DISNEY-ANIMATED?

Several things he could put in the new capsule (that might be worth a lot in the future): MAGIC CARDS. Specifically Black Lotys and Mox Opal

Several things he could put in the new capsule (that might be worth a lot in the future): MAGIC CARDS. Specifically Black Lotys and Mox Opal

You know what? Excellent counterpoint.

First of all, shut your face.

I am at work watching this - send help, I’m going to die holding in this laughter!

Okay seriously before anyone even THINKS about taking this stuff PLEASE SPEAK WITH A DOCTOR.

Hear hear!

Just a note: dude likes water.

I have literally been waiting for this moment since the book’s release.

Like I said: lots of rest, lots of fluids, and no coffee. Don’t do the reel on Thursday if you don’t feel up to it. Don’t break yourself, man.

There is a bug going around, I caught it REALLY bad on Monday (could barely move, had a headache, throat ache, congestion, slight fever, chills, soreness - you name it), so get LOTS of rest, LOTS of fluids, and NO coffee! Drink tea. Trust me. Drink mate if you must, but do NOT drink coffee.

THANK YOU. A.C. Crispin (RIP) wrote the BEST backstory. I can only hope some of those stories are involved.

One of my three jobs is at a store that sells Pokemon cards: singles, packs, and other stuff.

-____- not a week after I delete my game, there’s a massive update. Damn it.

Wish I had taken a photo of the pizzas I got last night...which were from Lou Malnati’s and were actually heart-shaped.

Omg I once got to see ASIMO LIVE and it was by the far the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.

One of my three jobs is as an admin for a company that remodels primarily kitchens and bathrooms. We have a pretty cool showroom, complete with several functioning items (toilet, sink, fridge, oven, stove), and two very, very, VERY weird items that cost, I shit you not, upwards of $3,000 EACH.

I lost it at “Human macadamia nut”