
Utter conspiracy nonsense. The right are split between Paramount, which is allowed to produce movies, and CBS, which can produce TV series, but the claim that there is some split in rights over production design, aesthetic, is just idiocy and has never actually been evidenced. It’s just a rumour that somehow people

The new design sucks. It just looks like a blog now, I used to enjoy coming here and immediately seeing the ratings of all the current TV shows and episodes reviewed. I’m not going to spend hours scrolling through the blog to find what I want

Star Trek a family show? Have you even seen the first season of TNG?

It is on Netflix internationally. In fact, CBS already sold the first season international rights to Netflix for more than the production cost of the first season. It’s hilarious how neckbeardy “true fans” desperately want this show to fail because their feelings were hurt when CBS decided not to make the sets look

What is it with all the crybaby snowflake “true fans” going on about The Orville? It’s almost like one would think you’re so butthurt about some changes being made, and you have such an over-the-top sense of entitlement and victimisation, that you’ve lost the plot entirely.