Ten Earth Imps

I don’t think this survives a motion to dismiss, and they would be lucky to get leave to amend. 

In the documentary, 13, it clearly states that the incident of a white man raping a black woman is much higher than a black man raping a white woman. And it has been this way every year since slavery has ended, which is when these sort of crime statistics began being tracked.

Yeah, white women do plenty to uphold both the patriarchy and white supremacy, but the proper title of this article should be ‘misogynistic, white supremacist only cares about violence against women when he can use it for his own gain'. But, you know, that wouldn't generate clicks or comments like this one. 

Anyone with a smidgen less entitlement would have withdrawn their name by now. This guys a fucking sociopath. A raging drunk sociopath. 

I can handle liars.  The man has repeatedly group-raped multiple women.  We can come up with better things to shout.

This made very angry because as a general rule appellate judges get pissy real fast if you answer their question with question and I am sure Judge Kavanaugh is no different. You think he would offer Senators the same respect  he would demanded from litigators. 

I cringed so hard watching that exchange yesterday. And while he SHOULD apologize, his apology came after a 15 minute break where someone probably coached him, and made him out to be an upstanding guy. It glosses over the original exchange where he was totally out of line and frankly, extremely immature. He was trying

“This story is stranger, and sadder, than it initially appears.”

I actually think it probably was going to be a reboot - Joss just execing it, the whole story (and notion of a Chosen One) pretty much being wrapped up, and similar shows like Charmed just going for straight reboots, plus ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ will always be more memorable and inspiring than ‘[Other Name] the

And her first statement on the matter was flippant and dismissive.

I feel like most of the ire stems from this not being her first offence. The fallout from her The Ghost in the Shell role should have tipped her off that playing a trans person was a bad move.

How the fuck is this banned on Twitter but fucking Trump can incite violence against journalists and generally trash-talk anyone critical of him?

Or, these types of articles work to delegitimize trans identities and experiences among allies and potential allies, thus reducing safety for all trans people and making it easier for fascists to harm trans folks with no protection from allies.

Thank you for this, this guy is so off base trying to speak on our issues, and quite frankly his fixation on transgender people, and online behavior, suggest very creepy and nefarious motives (he seems to focus on trans women in particular) for his focus on a subject he has no remote connection to himself or

My own experience is that every child I know that claimed to be transgender has also changed their mind, as children do.

As a trans woman, I have stopped reading news stories about trans issues written by individuals who are not trans. I am sorry Mr Singal, but your opinions on Trans topics simply don’t matter. I know my story, and how it took me 30 years to come out & be my true self. I don’t need to seek validation from you/him or

It has been pointed out that the phrase “a prominent futurist in progressive news media” is likely to describe few people other than Xeni Jardin.

someone needs to show the names of the people supporting that transphobic hack

“I’m not interested in sharing this list or any other space with someone who is going to insist on nullifying and erasing my existence and experience as female,” a prominent futurist in progressive news media wrote back.

It is okay. The real revenge here is that trans women walk past her probably every day. She may even know one or two. She pees one stall over from trans women in the washroom.