Ten Earth Imps

Why not blame him for putting those people’s jobs in jeopardy? Oh, right. Because you’re THAT person.

She has proof of their abusive relationship. She hasn’t released it but she is holding on to it in case he sues her.

I think you could name literally anyone I’ve never heard of and I’d feel confident they would do a better job than Chris Hardwick.

I am particularly glad that he won’t be moderating the Comic-Con Doctor Who panel. Apart from anything else that will be new Doctor Jodie Whittaker’s Comic-Con panel and the focus should be on her & the new showrunner.

I am thinking that Felicia Day is about to have a lot more work on her plate, if she wants it.

Have you followed the story? He and his colleagues have drug his family into this story. I’m just calling a hypocrite, a hypocrite. Granted, pointing out hypocrisy is a pretty low status comment but I’m not above making it.

Nobody cares about his family life, least of all him. Here fixed it for you

Yes, sadly, the only part of this article that surprised me was the bit where they state McGann was surprised by the reaction.

Its a 3 pronged approach.

I honestly wonder if part of Trump’s animosity towards Trudeau stems from Trudeau being younger and far better looking than Trump, and because Trudeau got the the center spot in the the group picture. Honestly, I believe Trump is that petty.

“(as was his trademark fedora)”

We can’t really do anything about him, we can only vote in the midterms as a check until we can vote him out into 2020. Our system is more inflexible than parliamentary systems (which sometimes seem to have four governments in three months and are very confusing to this American!).

Another data point that makes it seem the NYT didn’t really take this seriously: Thrush’s stories are also already creeping back on to the White House beat - his most recent bylines have to do with more high-ranking Administration issues. His “demotion” to HUD won’t last long, but they’re hoping nobody notices.

It was obvious, even before this revelation, that a lot of people at the Times were looking for a way to keep him while not looking weak on sexual harassment. It was ridiculous. I am not surprised several of the men who work there tried to attack the journalist who worked on the story and spread rumours about her.

Yeah but if you asked him about it, he’d tell you it was a woman’s fault. Doesn’t matter which one though.

So Glenn Thrush was, and apparently remains, a sad, petty, vicious little man.

Canadian here. With Trump as president the US is cozying up to NORTH KORIA and Russia getting in a war with Canada. Like what the actual fuuuuuuck? We are living in interesting times indeed and things are wild!

tRump thinks fear - as in, oh my god, this immature ass-clown has his tiny hands on the nuclear button - equals respect. He is, as in everything else, wrong.

That’s what it’s all about, right there.

The trump supporters are fucking creaming in their pants after his performance there. A tweet from James Wood said no matter what happens next his vote was worth it just because of this.