Ten Earth Imps

Exactly! Why not use the other end of the spectrum as the measure of normalization?

Right?? That’s the benchmark for acceptable male behavior in Hollywood? “Congratulations, you’re not quite as awful as a serial rapist who destroyed countless people’s livelihoods, here’s your Nobel Prize.”

And, there were some banks that were fine with me robbing them - I mean, they didn’t say during the act they were not ok with me robbing them....

as a guy who only holds up convenience stores, i’m offended that i’m getting caught up in this bank robbery witch hunt.

Plus, what about all the banks I DIDN’T rob?

In some ways, I kinda feel Louis CK’s case is worse because he clearly needed therapy yet couldn’t be bothered and subjected his crap onto other female comedians and to a certain extent, us the audience.

The consensus is that while his behavior was clearly wrong it was not at the level of a Harvey Weinstein, James Toback or Bill Cosby.

Me Too is, at least partly, about fighting toxic masculinity. This piece strikes exactly at how damaging toxic masculinity is and how it perpetuates itself to compound the damage.

Are you really comparing getting raped as a child to being cheated on as an adult?

I read this on my phone this morning, on the bus. It’s devastating, and so very important.

“sometimes i forget that i belong to all of you now, and that any thought i have should be filtered through you, and receive ur approval.”

So, SNL co-head writer has pattern of harrassing and intimidating women online = Fine.

I realize the English language has a lot of complication and nuance, but I’m relatively certain we have a term for what happens when you have sex with someone and they dont consent.

I beginning to believe that whenever and actor or actress falls off after having a hot career, it’s probably because they wouldn’t play the game and turned down unwanted sexual advances. The women are then labeled bitchy, difficult and demanding. The men are labeled has beens, drunks or drug addicts who let themselves

The Fraser story of having a man grope him is so specific, and told with such squirming discomfort and embarrassment, that it’s kind of hard not to believe. It seems to have had a profound effect on someone who was feeling vulnerable, and that’s a hallmark of assault - the kind we have long expected women to just

Now playing

This couldn’t be more Hunger Games if the billionaires were throwing up macaroons. President Yellow Snow has found his Katniss though cause Emma is coming for him.

But at then what is the difference between Tambor (someone who hasn’t actually taken any hormones or received surgery) playing the character and a trans identifying actor who hasn’t taken any hormones or received surgery playing the character?

Yes, how shocking that women with significantly less power than him wouldn’t have gone to him to say “hey, this harassment isn’t working for me, buddy.”

This school has them and has drills. But at the end of the day if someone comes in with a gun and starts shooting...what can you do? The guy who planned it had it figured out. He pulled the fire alarm. As the students filed out...he picked them off.

Do not know if this is true, but I read yesterday, that kids from Marjory Stoneman High were tweeting as the shooting and lock down was going on. And kids from other high schools with past shootings were replying to them telling them what to do - telling them places they had hid to survive, how they got out of their