Ten Earth Imps

The response to this article is not going to go the way you think.

Or another case of a corporation not promoting or marketing specific titles and then wondering why they don’t sell well.

Sorry, but this is bullshit. I don’t care how good anything is, if it isn’t marketed, it won’t sell. And Marvel has been dropping the ball on that front since at least last year, announcing series, not doing anything in regards to promoting them, and then cancelling them a couple of issues in. If they devoted half the

Charles pointed that out in the article itself: “It isn’t at all surprising that America and Icemen could be ending; comics cancellations happen all the time, and the entire comics industry is in a rather tight spot right now. At the same time, though, both books seem to have suffered from the exact same issue that

The article implies that both comics were not advertised or marketed to the same degree as titles featuring white, male, cis, etc. characters.

I think it might be PTSD. I would never diagnose anyone but I’m close enough to know that it can really fuck you up

I believe Meryl. I think she is high enough up to the food chain that she didn’t have to deal directly with Harvey as others did, and that his behavior is demonstrative of an imbalance of power. He had it over Rose, Ashley, Mira, etc. He didn’t and need doesn’t over Meryl. Her people probably knew but also knew not

It fills my heart and makes me happy they are still together and manage to be so low key about it.

The gossip about Meryl is that she heard some gossip about Weinstein and warned her daughters to avoid him, all before the worst gossip about Weinstein was confirmed soooo...well, it’s just gossip? FWIW

I am worried about Rose. I think she needs a lot of help, after what she’s been through.

Salling should get a fuck of a lot more than four years in prison. IIRC they caught him with pornography of children YOUNGER THAN THREE. 50,000 images! He is an accessory to the assault of every single child depicted in those images. Child porn is not a victimless crime.

As the list of women HW targeted grows AND the disturbing tactics he utilized to his benefit, well, I’m with Rose here. The man made preying and targeting women literally a full-time job. How in the hell could all these bigwigs have not known? And how the hell did he run a business when all of his time was spent

The school he works for ought to be more worried than they appear to be. They took a big risk in hiring him. Imagine if some new allegation surfaces and the victim sues the school for hiring him and putting her at risk. It’s not like the school could pretend they had no idea he might do it.

His prior behavior puts him at odds with any Christian-based institution, point blank period.

No one is conflating them, dude. It must be hard for such a brave Boston boy to understand, but most people understand nuance and degree. The fact that there are differing degrees of wrong doesn’t stop it from being so. He has a point about Outrage Culture, but this isn’t an example of what he is reaching for.

He also broke up with Minnie Driver in the most disrespectful spectacle ever.

Love both of these responses but especially Alissa Milano’s.

And it’s not like Paulson is eighteen or Holland’s student/employee. They’re grown adults who met and fell in love. It’s the same reason I don’t have a problem with much older men having younger wives if “younger” means “mid thirties and I wasn’t earmarked at fifteen at my dance recital.”

Actually, yeah, it is, because it doesn’t involve the centuries of partiarchal bullshit that says older men deserve younger, more attractive wives.

Sarah Paulson is 42 years old. She’s a big girl who can make her own choices.