Ten Earth Imps

Is there a place to help fund the bail for Christ’s sakes?

and that’s just death penalty. imagine the stats for “regular’ crime...

The rate of erroneous conviction of innocent criminal defendants is often described as not merely unknown but unknowable. We use survival analysis to model this effect, and estimate that if all death-sentenced defendants remained under sentence of death

Anyone know if anyone has started some kind of crowdfunding? I know that’s an annoying solution posed for everything that happens to anyone anymore, and hopefully this guy will get a huge payout from the wrongful conviction, but seems like a good person to help cover that $2,000 bail and then some. I mean I don’t

Every time I read about an over 40 yo male actor wanting to have kids, I think of all of the age-appropriate men on OK Cupid, etc. who would not consider my profile because I was not at an optimal babymaking age. And then I think of the known correlation between autism and older fathers, which I think is very

For the record, he was never the showrunner.

even better: EBRs statement was direct shade against arrow ep marc guggenheim, who instead of commenting on the situation, accused conan o’brien of “reverse sexism‪”

To hear some of the dudes here and the world at large tell it, the fact that you and your coworker might have been attracted to each other but decided to keep a professional distance is the GREATEST TRAGEDY OF ALL TIME.

The mere fact that these men seem to think flirting at work is acceptable demonstrates how little they understand harassment. When the question is “perhaps I flirted in an inappropriate way?!” the answer is yes, because flirting is in itself inappropriate.

You wouldn’t have to be careful if you weren’t up to no good, men becoming Ned Flanders-like in their fluster, bewailing the Dawn of the Woman Unencumbered by Fear of Making a Scene, typing through self-righteous tears on their twit-twatter about “witch hunts” [sic] and “lynch mobs” [sic]. They see no contradiction in

I dunno how that is NOT harassment. Have we crossed the sexual rubicon to the point that asking a woman to watch you jerk off is acceptable behavior? Take it out of the colleague realm for a moment, Cabbie asks. Passenger says no thank you. Everybody cool with that? How about a waiter? “My name is Eliot and I’ll be

You really don’t see the problem with asking a colleague in a professional situation if they’ll watch you masturbate? He has power over the careers/opportunities these women are exposed to. Do you do that at work? Walk into the lunch room and ask the first woman you see if she’ll look at your dick?

Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!

The fact that the man thinks flirting with coworkers is okay throws every point he made off. In most professional environments this is totally inappropriate.

Does anyone ever really want to go to the office Xmas party anyway?

Seriously? You’re not sure if you are “allowed” to flirt with women at the office party, so you cancel the party entirely? Why not have the party anyway, and just don’t flirt? You know, treat it like a work event where you can mingle and be social but still be professional and treat your colleagues respectfully? Save

Seriously. The answer isn’t to avoid being alone with women. The answer is to be able to be alone with a woman without acting like a creep.

Any guy scared enough to be adopting the Mike Pence rule is a guy who needs to adopt the Mike Pence rule. Let them tell on themselves.

I believe that the same article (or another similar one) spoke of (to me) a far more worrying development. Men following the “Mike Pence rule”: Never be alone with a woman; and do not attend gatherings with women where alcohol is served — either without one’s spouse (or at all).