Ten Earth Imps

I’ll say it again for those in the back:

Great article. But I have one point of contention that needs to be addressed and amplified...

On the other hand, why should I give two shits what right wing publications think about anything whatsoever?

Remember how a white person told you that racism is in your head, or that white people are now discriminated against more than black people or brought up black on black crime to derail a conversation about police brutality? Okay, well black women hear all of that, plus we get to hear black men recycle those same lame

“So de white man throw down de load and tell de nigger man tuh pick it up. He pick it up because he have to, but he don’t tote it. He hand it to his womenfolks. De nigger woman is de mule uh de world so fur as Ah can see.”-Their Eyes Were Watching God.

The asterisk is the best part.

My thought is how in the hell does a non-campus person get to use the facility? Actually you could shut down the event by saying that during the state of emergency, only faculty, staff and students are permitted on campus. And of course pray that none of these actually attend.

Wait, why is UF obligated to provide him a platform? He can go stand on a street corner and shout from his soap box. The first amendment doesn’t owe you a microphone.

It’s infuriating because when men are difficult because they want more money, they are considered smart and shrewd negotiators. Women are just demanding or divas.

I had never heard the stories about Bjork being difficult on the Dancer in the Dark set (I still think You! and want to punch David Morse when I see him in anything.) but I have heard Lars Von Trier is a disgusting asshole.

It’s straight from the standard abusers playbook. Don’t listen to the accuser because they are “difficult”, “crazy”, “want money”, are “vengeful”. It’s infuriating and devastatingly effective.

It was charming! And her ex-husband/love interest was very handsome.

But someone is going to give Sarah Shahi her own series though, right?  


I can’t even describe how much these books meant to me growing up. Anything Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys was and is so good.

My dad is a Harvey Weinstein, albeit without the money and power. Growing up, he constantly harassed women in front of me and taught me that women- including myself- were objects who asked for the attention based on how they looked or were dressed. He also went after underage girls and was sexually abusive toward me

That’s bullshit. She was already a very successful comedian who had been on the Tonight Show and other late night shows.

That’s a real hot take. She should shut up and be grateful because she turned her own personal tragedy into a masterful set that he was so awed and riveted by that he gave that set a signal boost?