Ten Earth Imps

Her speech, with its references to Seneca Falls and all the history that came before, was in perfect tune.

I’m waiting for someone else to say Yay, Hillary! so that they can shoulder the brunt of the anger and conspiracy theories.

In less than a month it will have been 240 years since America declared its independence and this country began. In those 240 years there has not been a single woman as a presidential nominee of a major party. ABOUT GODDAMN TIME.

Far more common than who thought? Because I’m pretty sure most women are not surprised by the news that when rapists get away with one rape, they go commit more. That’s what happens when a society doesn’t take rape as seriously as it should.

I already thought they were pretty damn common so this is grim to say the least.

FOIA doesn’t require a lawsuit—it’s a formal but relatively simple request. And some media outlet needs to file one immediately—make the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Department EXPLAIN WHY they think they have grounds not to release what is ostensibly public record in the first place.

White privilege isn’t a thing at all. Naaaaaaaawwwwwwwww. Couldn’t be. Just a total coincidence.

Theon could fuck a woman in all the same ways his sister can.

Thought it was equal parts creepy/hilarious that the High Sparrow’s sex advice is basically, “Lie back and think of Westeros.”

literally every person in braavos is on my shit list right now for not HELPING THE CHILD WHO IS PROFUSELY BLEEDING FROM THE ABDOMEN AND CLEARLY NEEDS ASSISTANCE

Hey, you know what else is bad for small businesses? Gigantic chain like Home Depot that move into mid-sized towns and drive those small hardware shops out of business.

I’ve been on the same side of a similar situation as her, and my ex’s friends ALWAYS excused his behavior. Somehow, if you’re drugged/drunk when it happens, its not as bad as if it happened sober? Fuck that.

My comment was directed at Deuter’s words, not Heard’s behavior. It was hyperbole, certainly, but my intention was to say that he is making it more difficult for her to walk away, and easier for Depp to continue the abuse.

You know, I feel bad for Debra Messing. I’m sure she’s sincere.

Reading those texts makes me sad. If they are actual texts and not faked, they show he was abusive to her for a long time and people were pushing her to stay with him. It sounds like he was either drunk or on drugs when he did abuse her.

“A little lost boy”?!?

That was my first thought...his weird bitterness and fixation on her looks years later smacks of him being inappropriate towards her. I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a friend or assistant always with her so she wasn’t alone.

How dare her 1 year old not be able to take care of herself and make such a scene as to have a nanny! That is an unprofessional 1 year old if I ever saw one!

He said something about her having an entourage, which everyone else who’s worked with her says she doesn’t.

I think we’re all missing the most offensive bit of what he said, which is that Adam Levine is a film actor capable of self analysis.