Ten Earth Imps

Taylor Dosse finally came bursting out of the closet for being the bossy bottom that he is, and now breeds Italian Greyhounds with his lover from New Haven, Clark.

Bookmarked, and so excited. Also, I read your comments in Kate Mulgrews voice.

Jezebel, I officially apply for the position of Gilmore Girls blogger. I will OWN THAT SHIT and that way Kara doesn’t have to cover it.

Where is the petition to get you on the writing staff? This is all gold.

The lead is Jewish, the romantic lead is Filipino, her rival is Latina and her friend/neighbor is South Asian.

Yes, although Gillian Anderson.

I’m sober as hell and I thought the same thing by the title.

I had an ex in my early 20's who was much older than me, and I kept in touch with him a bit, until he became to toxic. He, in his mid 30's, would focus on women in their early 20's, and given that he was not conventionally attracive and emotionally kind of a mess, he never made much headway. When I gently suggested he

Dear Tina Fey,

Peak White Feminism in a movie.

“Too boring” is codespeak for “too shrewd to let us exploit the sensationalistic voyeurism of a half naked trans woman in lingerie.”

Even if she was kicked off the show because her life is too “boring” all that means is that her life is NOT a trashy mess. That’s something to be proud of. Many of us (me) wish we could say the same.

Being fired for being too boring for a Real Housewife almost feels like a compliment.

I used to write him & his sister off as obnoxious & horribly over-indulged, and while they are certainly that, I'm sort of enjoying how comfortable he is not conforming to seemingly anything.

Whatever, I’m here for it. I appreciate Willow and Jaden and their “weirdness”. I appreciate folks in the limelight who show the multiplicity of Blackness. We will have little Black kids who see themselves as weird/different/eccentric, who don’t fit their peers idea of what it means to be Black (and yes, this even

So does Freedom of Religion mean I can create my own religion and force others to join and tithe? Because I can get behind that.

Fun fact: In America we also have Freedom of the Press, which means you can’t legally get in trouble for beating someone to death with a rolled up newspaper.

Elite soldiers, survivors—nay, conquerors—of the most grueling training and conditions known to man, primed and ready like the finest well-oiled weapons ever devised by man to hunt down and kill anyone at a moment’s notice... And they can’t help tripping over their own fucking feet at the merest sight of a woman.

He actually says to the jury as he approaches the bench, “how could you do that? how could you do that?”
Rage. Blinding rage. How could THEY do that? I hope this fuckin’ guy really enjoys his possible 263 years.