Ten Earth Imps

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Maybe I'm overtired, maybe it's because I'm still waiting for Evan Rachel Wood and Jamie Bell to tell me it's not my fault and they don't love me any less, or maybe I'm just trying to distract myself from the inevitability of death BUT I REALLY NEED THIS ONE TO BE TRUE, DO YOU HEAR ME, CELEBRITIES?

I think for some babies that picture would just remind them they are hungry.

ME TOOOO! Captain Sandra America FOR THE WIN

Seriously. Captain America can get it.

The Chris Evans/Sandra Bullock news makes me irrationally happy. I just want her to have all the good things!

Sandy, I am NOT mad at you. Chris Evans is hella fine.

I just assumed that it went on and on into perpetuity, or pending forfeit. Could you see, six months from now, two battle fatigued tweens on the stage spelling chiaroscurist?

The judges didn't have any more words? They were OUT OF WORDS!? That's seriously boss, outwit, outrun, OUTSPELL bitches!

I knowww! I watched that video and I was dyyyyying of cuteness and then it got to the blonde girl (Kate), and I was thinking, 'Blondie is way too normal to hang out with the rest of these kids. Go back to being socially accepted, Kate, you fucking poseur.' But thennnnn she used "inculcate" in a sentence, and I was

OMG little boy in a bow tie! OK, if I had been watching, I would have been rooting for Ansun based on his fashion choices alone. Sorry Sriram.

Woah, wait. First of all this is a life skills class for "children with intellectual and some physical disabilities," not 8th grade homeroom. And it was in front of two other girls in the same class, who presumably were learning how to shave as well.

It's rather unfair to say Ms. Cox's identity revolves around her status as a person who is trans... she's many things including an actress, producer, intellectual, activist and model. I don't know you, but if I were in your shoes, I'd be questioning why you've chosen to define her solely based on her as a person who


Hormones, baby!

I think the upside is not ever providing a non-ally with the ammo of "oh please, even it's friends call it a creature."

I think having trans activists is extremely important, especially given the number of states that do not offer protection for trans folks. You should not have to be defined by your transition, obviously, but I see why Ms. Cox has chosen to use her celebrity to raise awareness about trans people / rights.

I'm sure it's totally benign and you're an ally, but maybe let's not use "creature" lest our enamourment of the mythical being that is Laverne Cox be confused with an endorsement of calling trans-folk "creatures"

He did! There was in interview with the producers of the show, and they were talking about how, while casting for the role of Sophia, they joked that the ideal actor would be a trans woman with a twin brother, and it just happened to turn out that the woman who ended up with the role is actually a trans woman with a

Thats awesome!