Ten Earth Imps

That’s really problematic that the straight guy is dismissing the gay guy’s concerns about how same-sex relationships are treated in a medium. That’s straight-splaining, essentially.

It’s not like that at all, actually. The difference is that we’re setting things in a utopian future where people are far more progressive. In a utopian future, no one would be in the closet, because they wouldn’t have to hide.

I didn’t realize how alike Jaime’s & Tywin’s armor was before now.

Very similar.

Sansa has back-up plans for her back-up plans, too. She learned from the best. She learned from Littlefinger.

Sansa and Jon planned it together to undercut Baelish. Go back and watch that scene between Sansa and Peter.

She agreed to it as a power play to checkmate Peter Baelish. Baelish was trying to hold out the Iron Throne to her as a shiny thing, because he’s a dumbass who doesn’t understand her and thinks she’s season One Sansa who wanted to be Queen. Making Jon the King of the North was Sansa’s idea, to throw the power grab

Dany is Jon’s Aunt. Her brother is his father.

Update June 22, 12:30 p.m.: In a statement given to Vanity Fair, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Department questioned the veracity of the police reports published by Radar:

I skimmed through the entire report. I see only legal, commercially available porn, which any adult might have, and commercially available art books that are all on Amazon.com today. Lots of references in the police reports analyzing the “homosexual” vs. “heterosexual” amounts of the porn, clearly indicating a

Exactly. Given the level of abuse the first wife said she went through - if this woman was treated the same way, and she had some cognitive challenges... I know people who could be completely innocent but manipulated by someone without a conscience. It’s certainly possible, and even probable.

And Bran’s vision was showing us the mad king as well... which if the rumors are true and he was Jaime & Cersei’s father instead of Tywin - how fitting that Cersei is the one who burns King’s Landing with wildfire.

I think #1 is pretty rare - there are lots of women out there DTF with no strings attached (and men, for that matter). It’s more likely that he had unrealistic expectation of who he wanted to fuck and who he expected to be willing.

Anonymous, this seems like a good case for you folks to jump in on.

Looking at child actors who were connected with his shows and also have train wreck personal lives...

Shhhhhhhhhhhh. Don’t out people.

And even that makes Woody’s story suspect. His recent interview he claimed that *he* picked Soon-Yi out of the gutter and gave her a home and opportunities. That’s creepy as hell - he identifies as a father figure to an orphan whom he later molested and married.

HE STILL HAS ACCESS TO YOUNG GIRLS. That’s the part that makes me sick, beyond knowing what he did to Dylan. Dylan & Soon-Yi, but you know his daughters with Soon-Yi are in is field of influence, too.

They problem is often that right-wing nuts see these pictures, and think that this is a transgender *woman* not a transgender man. Like they think Aydian went from M=>F and not from F=>M. They don’t believe Aydian Dowling was born with a vajayjay. So this confirms their fears, rather than makes them rethink. If you

yeah, it would be nice if we saw a reference to the damn horn somewhere in the show at least. If it shows up at the last possible moment it seems too deus ex machina for me.