Ten Earth Imps

“Fully transitioned” - as if there is such a thing. There’s no set “end point” at which you mush end up to be considered “complete.” Everyone has a different process or set of things they might want to do (or not do) from a medical standpoint, legal standpoint, social standpoint...

And a girl jew, too. A Jewess. That’s doubly-bad in Trump world.

I’d be down with her if she weren’t so damned transphobic.

Or as She-Hulk. I want a She-Hulk movie like anything.

His options are pretty good, actually. They build peens for transgender dudes all the time. They aren’t quite the “grown in the womb” model, but they fool people.

Egalitarian = “ostrich with head buried in sand, clueless about what’s going on around them”

When you watch the “making of special” you can kinda see it between the lines. Both of them and the writers / producers are on, so they all tread nicely on the issues, but it pretty much comes out that the production of the show was really a huge problem. The networks were furious at the producer because it took

Her legal team is tweeting quotes from her. She doesn’t have access to twitter.

From her legal team. She has phone access to them; they quote her words.

Someone from her attorney’s office is tweeting quotes from her.

No - she is not allowed to tweet. The person tweeting is one of the people she is allowed phone contact with, most likely someone from her legal team. They are just quoting her words.

I had read though, that the way they were filming - 16 hour days, script changes the day of, etc. - had more to do with them not getting along. Shepherd had little babies she had to take care of and was never there for them, but neither she or Willis could get out of it.

Yeah, but the filming on Moonlighting was brutal, apparently, because the showrunner was really pretty scattered and terrible. When you have to spend 16 hours out of every day on the set with someone, I’m sure they get on your last nerve. And they were both under contract, so neither of them could walk off.

Of course I can. I can ask to be represented on the screen and in print. Why not? I can also write it myself, which I am doing.

As a trans person - these sci-fi storylines tend to be way less than satisfying, though. It comes off the same way as when they use “shapeshifter” as the default power for a transgender character in superhero comics and say it’s inclusive. They’re basically “othering” trans characters as aliens, or making transition a

In my onscreen stories, I like to see some concrete message that what happened isn’t the victims fault and that they should not feel guilty. I know people do feel that way in real life. But leaving the message open and without comment does tend to send the message to that the victims got what they deserved. That’s

His birth name was Benedict Timothy Carlton Cumberbatch, according to several sources.

I have more muscles that Bobby Jindal. Granted, my testosterone is the injected kind, but still. I’m pretty sure I could knock him out.

And Sylvia Rivera was there, too. Lots of trans women and trans men were there. This movie is a joke.