Ten Earth Imps

I have one. This is the reason why I can take decent profile pics of myself now. But I do that at home; I don’t take it out in public. Just like I don’t take off my clothes in public. Courtesy to my fellow human beings.

He has 6 (or maybe 7 now) of his own kids and 2 step kids. Not exactly a Duggar. That’s pretty much in normal Catholic family range, at least when I was a kid.

We’ve had a long-standing myth in our family that we had a significant amount of native american ancestry in our history. Supposedly, my great grandmother on my father’s side was native american.

Definitely not. Dissociative disorder is very different, having been in a relationship with someone who suffered from that mental illness. Dolenzal is just straight-up deceptive, and trying to rationalize her behavior.

... because she has ethics, unlike Scalia or Thomas. :)

Eh. Melisandre is right there at Castle Black. I don’t believe Jon Snow is dead until I see his skeleton. But at least now it’s a race to see who gets to him first - Melisandre or the White Walkers.

There are vast differences between the Duggar girls and Grace Dunham, as you referenced. Grace is a college-educated, extraordinarily intelligent young woman from a family that doesn’t practice brainwashing and mind control over its members. if you’ve every seen or heard anything from Grace (and you should, she’s

“Equal time for the otherwise inclined” means - “I’d like to bang these older women” which is clear to a majority of regular commenters on Jezebel, since I’m a regular and they know who I am. So you’re quite wrong, there. This is the thread about older women we’d like to bang.

I had to tell my doctor that I wanted to try testosterone as a solution, and she sent me to an endocrinologist. The endo did all my bloodwork before we started, and monitored me closely for side effects - cholesterol increase is one.

Any/all of those are contraindications of larger doses of testosterone. If hormone levels are kept within normal ranges for women, all are unlikely, and all can be monitored, especially the cholesterol, which my doctor monitors closely. Those sound like excuses to not give her a trial run to me, based on “she’ll turn

Yeah, I’m not worried. I monitor my health closely, and the risks are not as high as the are for men with much higher levels than mine.

Not if you work with an endocrinologist that monitors your blood work. It’s been really easy for me to do this, and this basically saved our marriage because we were so incompatible in libido. I’m SO much happier now. I get to enjoy sex again, and I have a much better connection with my spouse.

Yep, and you want to make sure you work with your doctor to get your bloodwork done before and through taking it to make sure your levels remain in a good area. I get mine prescribed through a local compounding pharmacy, but lots of other people order online through Strohecker’s.

Maybe, but it seems like if they keep it within normal ranges and monitor through blood work regularly, you can stay healthy. I go in once every three months or so to test again.

Within a couple of weeks. I imagine my levels were always pretty low and I just didn’t know it. I had been complaining to my doctor for a long time before I heard about testosterone and asked.

Nope. Not if you keep the levels low. That’s the reason you go to an endocrinologist and have them test your levels of hormone. Women have a normal range for testosterone, and mine was WAY under, almost non-existent. Once you start taking it, you make sure your levels stay in a normal range for women. Too much and you

I actually had been asking my doctor about it for over 10 years, and she said nothing about testosterone. I found out about it when our couple’s counselor told us; we were in therapy for our ver disproportionate sexual needs. I marched back and asked my doc, and she said “well, there’s been some research on that, let

True, but lots of women have no idea whatsoever that they may be deficient. No one tells them to get their hormones tested when they have low libido. I asked this question of my doctor for 10 years and got “there’s just no treatment for it.” It wasn’t until my couples counselor brought it up as an option and I took

Well, yes, but when administered as a synthetically produce hormone, it’s prescribed as a drug to fix any number of health problems.