Ten Earth Imps

Ok y, you can't bitch too much about Peter's accent, when Hook and Schmee can't remember where they're from.

We've covered that question extensively on Jezebel in regards to sexism - why do people listen when men speak out on an issue that women have been talking about for years?

Definitely go watch her work on Funny or Die - she's pretty great in the videos where she plays Kate Middleton.

Yep - after looking at his facebook, he doesn't have a tat on his hand - just words written on his side.

Ugh. Why did I click on those links? Taking a shower.

The TAT on his hand. Ugh.

Also - "because I love God, I'm totally forgiven for being a drugged out, negligent mom of three children, one of whom is dead and the other two removed from my home through my own criminal behavior."

WHOA. That is a reading. Man, I like that Jaime Manning-Breatchel. I wanna friend her on the book of face.

Jesus - is that his mom? Well, that explains a LOT.

I loved the Funny or Die skits she wrote and acted in. I think a lot of people are happy to conflate her with her Girls character, which is an unfair assessment. I'm a little worried that she comes of as very earnest in the trailers, but I'm not cheering for her to do poorly.

Plus her weird obsession with LGBT things - so of course she cares about a gender non-conforming performance. I like Lena a lot, but that is a bit off-putting of her how she's desperate to have some connection to gay and trans issues.

She does a marvelous, very funny British accent in the Will & Kate Funny or Die videos - that she wrote herself, BTW. Easy to pick on her, but she definitely has some comedy chops.

I personally cannot wait for what I'm certain will be a huge train wreck. That being said, I love Allison Williams. I expect from the trailers she's going to be WAY too earnest, but that's part of her dorky-ass charm.

Y'all can quit with the "attention seeking" bullshit, seriously. Nobody is giving her money, and this isn't going to help her career. Nobody's career has ever been helped by coming forward with a rape allegation. When there are 16 other women saying virtually the same thing, one woman's credibility isn't an issue.

As a trans person, I have very mixed feelings about the casting. There are hundreds of trans men and women actors who are trying to get roles in television and movies, and many of them are not on hormones or opting for surgery - so those women would fit Maura's situation well. The fact that these people are shut out

Knitting is awesome, though, and I highly recommend learning. Once you learn, it's very relaxing and comforting.

And some of those money orders were made out to women who have since come forward to make claims against him.

I mean to say "black men were lynched for being accused of" not that they necessarily did what they were being accused of.

No, look at the actual history in front of you. Black men were lynched for raping white *virgins* or white *mothers* — not fallen women who had sex outside of marriage or who supported themselves without the help of men. If the white woman is a "whore" (as has been implied by the Cosby team and their defenders for