Ten Earth Imps

I don't think the parents are picking anything much. They are taking the cues from what the kid likes and wants - hence the differences you see in how he looks throughout the video. If the child later wants to be a girl, he can change his mind. I don't think that door is closed at all.

Thanks! I definitely don't have it there in my drop down, so I will email.

No, I've known them 20 years. That's a pretty fair interpretation. I didn't realize for a long time that they were sexist asses, but when I grew and changed they didn't, and it's become hard to figure out how to cut those ties.

Sadly, she was only brought to my attention because my gay male friends were bitching about her on twitter and hating her for "no particular reason" and "I just don't like her" which is easily translated as "she has a vagina and is therefore inferior."

Okay, what happened to the dismiss feature? I'm not seeing it in the drop-down above comments anymore. Please tell me this is just a glitch for me and not a permanent change.

I see what you're saying. I was just trying to be helpful by giving some detail about how hormone levels are determined for trans people. :)

They can now do hormone blockers for young people to give them time to make that life decision - delaying puberty until they are 16 or so is usually enough time to let a young person be really sure about how they identify. People figure out gender identity and sexual orientation much younger than you would think.

Do you mean to say "more than a woman has naturally in her body?"

"Lovely creature" is often used to describe cis women, that's true. (Almost never used to describe men.) But it's problematic even then because it's dis-humaning. Lots of cis women object to the term as well.

Yep. Seriously. I know it wasn't intended as a slur, but it made this gender variant person twinge with bother, so why not leave it out?

It may very well depend on the gym, but I've seen all of the things I described in a 5-year period of attending a gym my company paid for, so not all that rare. Since I quit going there and started paying for the Y myself, fewer problems, although I've had a hard time getting staff member to take my upper-body

Um, people say shit to other people at the gym all the time, especially women, but also to men who are overweight or not meatheads. If women are overweight, they say crappy things as they walk past. If the are fit, they make rude passes at them. If they are wearing make up they make fun of them for "looking like a

LOVE this post - I link to it all the time!

I wonder if there's an element of change over time that's involved here as well? Maybe when RuPaul began using the word it was used within the LGBT community and the intent wasn't harmful, and the word became more destructive when transphobic people folded it into their language and used it for harm. I don't know this

Okay, but are the abuse survivors he's meeting with victims of Catholic clergy abuse, or just generally of sexual abuse? Because that's not clear from the article. If it's the victims of priest and/or Catholic clergy, I'm impressed. If it's generally - well, is that worth remarking on? He should be doing that as a

I need to look up a Christina performance and think about it in this context. I've not done that.

Yep. My first choice was Megan Hilty, but Clare Bowen could pull it off, too. Especially the voice, both singing and speaking. Cleavage can always be enhanced. The voice you can't fake.

Thank you! I was just coming to suggest Megan (I was just going to chant "Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty, Megan Hilty!" like a hundred times or so.) But I scrolled through the threads first to see if someone came to it before me.